anyone else been approached by CHK in the area? they have contacted me several times since last week.

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I think so

Ray, Chk may sell your lease to AEP?

i hope so..from what ive read about chk maybe AEP has a better rep?   anyway they have till April of 16 to drill or pay again... Thanks for the input guys!

i talked to a guy yesterday from chk. he said they prob. wont develope spendin well till late next year or before leases are set to expire.mine will expire april of 16. said waiting for infrastructure, technology is improving,swapping leases,etc..said would prob.go back to 640 ac. unit too..go figure. but he did say they def. will develope that area..

MWCD says they are getting close on leasing the lake.........but will be after the new year.......

also - AEP does not have a reputation yet as they are not producing yet.......but should be very shortly.

also - coyco on another Harrison county thread says AEP is still talking to him about a pad placement that is very close to the spinden location......I think whomever leases the lake will likely produce your area of interest on long rd.

AEP's Jones wells and Schugert Daddy wells are already producing .

BB - I didn't see any production numbers on the latest odnr report which was through end of if they are producing it must be pretty recent.

Booger the Jones started flowing in late August . It is a good producer and doing better than expected . The Schugert Daddy started flowing in late September and it is also very good and actually better than the Jones .

Where did you come by the info on MWCD leasing after the first of the year

I have been talking to the mwcd leasing dude about every other month........he just updated me last week with; 

"it was announced at the last board meeting that it would be after the first of the year before anything is finalized at Tappan.  Working through some challenges that have slowed the process."

Thanks we have land in Spindel and land adjacent to Tappen and have been waiting on them to lease.


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