Chesapeake energy  has proposed Drilling  units that run from the vicinity of the intersection of Thompson Road and Kilgore ridge road running to the south east for approximately 3 miles to the edge of State Route 151.  The well pad has been prepared. Approximate 250 landowners have signed leases, but one landowner  owning  approximately 30 acres has refused to sign a lease.  This  Owner is reportedly requesting a $7500 per acre signing bonus  and other lease clauses unacceptable to Chesapeake.  A reliable source has reported the Chesapeake is preparing an application for force pulling from the Ohio DNR.  Attorneys who are familiar with this process tell me that it is unlikely that the application will be decided on in the remaining six months before approximately 100 leases expire. The Issue then becomes whether Encino  will  attempt to release the properties with expired leases. LET’S hope so! 

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Does anyone know the answer? If they are fracking, doesn't drilling operations on all four wells need to be complete?

Yes all four legs are complete.

Updated info on the ODNR website:

Well No. Date Commenced Date Completed
6H 12/4/2018 1/24/2019
210H 12/7/2019 2/18/2019
10H 12/4/2018 3/3/2019
8H 12/7/2018 3/12/2019

Fracking on these four legs should be done around July 2.

Would any body be willing to share what they are being paid per barrel of oil and cubic foot of gas? No other  information is needed. Thanks.

Is anyone surprised that the strata drilled to with the Deuker was Point Pleasant. I had expected Utica. Appears it is drilled to the point between the two layers but listed as Pt. Pleasant. Different than most others in the area from what I see. Would be interested to hear from those more knowledgeable about the play.

All four wells in the Deucker are listed as in production on ODNR. Does anyone have any idea when production started?

I checked the completion reports on the ODNR database:

Date Put into 
Well Name Production
DEUCKER 27-12-5 6H 8/6/2019
DEUCKER 27-12-5 8H 8/4/2019
DEUCKER 27-12-5 10H 8/5/2019
DEUCKER 27-12-5 210H 8/3/2019
Oil-$52.04, gas-$2.98 per MCF.

Thanks Mr. Cramblett. They have also begun the work on the pipeline to connect this up , and get it to market..I didn't ask about any NGL's though. Whats your info on that? Fracking company is from Texas by the name of Profrac specializing in long laterals.Should be in the neighborhood of 500 stages if I remember what I was told correctly. That would be all four legs of which the one is a short one as we know. The other three are over 16000 some odd feet. Possibility of  having  checks in October.

Sorry, I’ve left town on business and don’t have access to That information now.

As JT has already reported, The Deucker wells started producing in August. ENCINO has advised that royalty checks should be received mid December, 2019. If that HAPPENS, quite a few folks are gonna get a very nice Christmas present.

Note should be made, however, as KWGD ( a Canton Ohio law firm) is investigating whether unauthorized deduction's are being made from royalty payments by ENCINO.


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