Updated November 8, 2011

This webpage is a little over a year old. During this time frame oil and gas leasing
offers have increased significantly.

As of November 8, 2011 the signing bonus has increased to $5350-$5800 with the royalty percentage at 20 % gross. Leases are being signed by several companies. The best lease terms are being realized by the landowner groups that offer their acreage through a competitive bidding process. I personally believe the money offers will continue to increase with time. The highest offers occur when landowners pool their land into contiguous units.

Presumably, all are aware that Chesapeake recently leveraged 25% of their leaseholds in

Eastern Ohio for $15,000 per acre by forming a JV with an undisclosed oil major.

Views: 33347

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Harrison County

Thank you


Tri Star out of Pa has been puting their lease blocks together. I don't

think they will have a local Ohio presence untill 2012.


You can get their info and contact number at www.gulfportenergy.com



Unfortunately, Wishgard is their leasing agent in that area. They are obtaining leases for Tri-Star who is supposed to be pooling for Gulfport. The Wishgard offer is $2000/ac and around 15% royalty but Wishgard charges you 8% of the bonus so it is really $1840/ac. The terms of the lease could be better. If you are part of a sizeable landowner group, the group should be able to deal directly with Gulfport and a better deal might be made.

Finnbear is right.  The best way to get a deal with Gulfport is to join a landowner group and gain the negotiating power to get a the compensation and lease document that you deserve.  Gulfport doesn't have any more insight than the other big gas companies.  They all know what is down there.  They want our minerals, but understandably, they want to pay as little as possible to get them.  Almost without exception, you are not going to get your best deal by relating with a landman from a specific gas company. Join a landowner group!



Could you post the Gulfport presentation on the Ohio Landowners page?

I shared this info with Dan and some attendees at the HCOLG meeting last Fri in Cadiz, and was suprised how few knew of the oil/wet gas zones of the play.





You will notice that most of the wells drilled so far are north south thru the wet zone. Is there a reason for this? Why not be drilling a little more to the west which is "oil zone". Or maybe the zones are not well defined.

Here's the map from that presentation that gets people excited. Harrison is right in the middle of the oil/wet gas patch.


Has anybody seen the EV Energy Partners/Enervest map?  It has the windows shifted WAY to the west.  Gulfport's map is basically a carbon of Geological Survey's.  I have been unable to find an independent source for the EVEP/Enervest map.



Randy, as you requested at the meeting, I also have this presentation up on the HCOLG server.  You won't find it on our website at the moment, but you can access it with the links below.


Full version, p 1-36 (5MB)


Utica Shale play only p 1-9 (1MB)


This report is still available on Gulfport's website too, at the bottom of the page, right here.

Anything we can do to educate our neighbors and friends about the wet gas and oil in our area would be great.  I believe so many people out there are still uninformed. I believe the sooner we stop comparing the Utica in Eastern Ohio with the Marcellus of WV and PA the better for all of us. They are two completely different shale plays. One has proven to be loaded with dry gas and the other is gonna prove itself to be loaded with Oil.  We should be basing what we have more along the lines of the Eagle Ford where per acre prices are much higher along with royalties. And even then we will probably be selling ourselves short.
Scott you should just hold tight for 10k/acre!


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