Updated November 8, 2011

This webpage is a little over a year old. During this time frame oil and gas leasing
offers have increased significantly.

As of November 8, 2011 the signing bonus has increased to $5350-$5800 with the royalty percentage at 20 % gross. Leases are being signed by several companies. The best lease terms are being realized by the landowner groups that offer their acreage through a competitive bidding process. I personally believe the money offers will continue to increase with time. The highest offers occur when landowners pool their land into contiguous units.

Presumably, all are aware that Chesapeake recently leveraged 25% of their leaseholds in

Eastern Ohio for $15,000 per acre by forming a JV with an undisclosed oil major.

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Thanks Al, those are good comments.  I agree that patient landowners will win out in this situation.  The price you quoted above may be the average price very soon.  I do want to keep stressing that the quality of the lease document is very important also, not just if you love your land and want it protected, but if you want to make sure that you receive all the royalty you deserve in a timely manner.  Lease wording varies drastically, and I would not sign a $3500/acre 20% gross lease using the boilerplate CHK lease document, even with all the addendums they would offer.  We can do much better than that.  So be patient for the right money and the right document.  As Al and others say, it is likely that some portion of these leaseholds will be sold to other global energy companies.  Since we can't trust that the company we sign with will be the company that drills the well, our lease document has to be robust and watertight enough to keep any company in line.  I applaud and echo Al's encouragements to focus on gaining knowledge, protecting out environment, and providing for our families.

Good job Al, you sound like you have been talking to JRM again,  as your comments echo what is said at all of his meetings....I attended his meeting at the State Park/Salt fork on Tuesday and he again has raised the market for another county by organizing key landowners and created a solid marketplace where 2 months ago there was only interest in the northeast townships,now there are 8 townships receiving offers and the price continues to climb. 

I got there late but I  betcha there were 200 landoweners present. The panel of experts that are available through his company are experienced and experts in their field. 


Al,  keep the word out there about the future and the importance of our natural resources.  

No, the comments I provided above were not the result of conversations or communication with JRM. I am, however, happy to hear that he is conveying the same message to those in his camp. Since you attended his last meeting, may I ask if he is still charging admission to his meetings? 


I am not aware of anybody asking about the absence of JRM postings on this website. I will answer the unasked question. Back in April the site publisher reviewed the threads being posted. Those that violated the site's terms and conditions were deleted.  All of JRM's posts were removed.

What are you talking about,charging for meetings?  I have been to several of his educational meetings his team has never charged a dime for his open meetings.  


Are you talking about his client only meetings?


Why would anyone remove his posts?  There has been no one in this region offering more assistence than his consulting team, they helped establish the current marketplace.


I know that one of his team members has had books for sale at his meetings;such as platbooks and the farmers guide book to oil and gas.  they set a contribution can up for the books, only.   I went to JRM'S website and his meeting daes are public knowledge and it says nothing about a fee.

I see where JRM is hosting a meeting in Harrison County tomorrow, Twin City Sportsmans Club.   Does anyone know if this is a landowner group meeting or a public meeting? 
Why I think he got booted is because, although he is providing a good service, he is still profiting from people being in his group. That is against the rules of this site.

The rule (if that's what it is) is good intentioned yet in the case of JRM I think it's misapplied.  I have had several extremely useful conversations with him. Best of all, they were all free.  

People know when they are getting pitched and they also know that the people with knowledge must be able to reach them. Those with knowledge are often the ones already in the business and - yes - making some very hard earned money off it.  Not that there arent any 'amatuers' who know just as much.  But the more voices the better usually.



I echo Marc's reply.  I have gained many insights to the shale play by attending JRM's meetings.


In fact I called Mr. Milleson this afternoon to inform him of this conversation.  He told me to let the public know that ALL OF HIS EDUCATIONAL MEETINGS are free!

If you want to hire him, he works off of a commission driven basis and advised me to direct folks to his website for info and to review his Mission statement.     

Maybe some of the landowners who know so very litlle about Harrison County can be brought up to speed about what exactly is going on.  "If you have mineral rights, YOU NEED TO CALL ME NOW!"  Probably why he is not allowed to post anymore...I have been following this play for a while now and am not claiming to know everything.  That is the purpose of this site to gain knowledge about what is going on.  Not get singled out by know it all's who know Aubrey? (just ask him).  Keep positive info coming and leave the negative energy to yourself, no pun intended.

I can't speak to why Jim's posts were removed or why he is now banned (which I assume because he's not posting now).  Actually I would tend to defend his right to post here.  I make no accusations as to Jim's character or honesty.  He and his team may be the right match for some people.


However my top five reasons that Jim Milleson and his team might not in the best interest of landowners are:


  1. Private meetings:  Having closed door meetings, both with clients and with gas companies, and not sharing that information.
  2. Charging commission:  It's a free country, and business is business, but every dollar of commission percentage is a dollar out of the landowner's pocket.
  3. Wrong incentive: When you are a landman and you are making commission as a percentage of signing bonus, the incentive is to get the signing bonus as high as possible. That sounds good, but there is also the incentive to make the lease document landowner-weak and the royalty low so it is easily acceptable to the gas company so you can close the deal.
  4. Superiority complex:  JRM is not the only source of information on oil and gas drilling.  His team is not the sole repository of expert information on the topic.  They are not necessarily the best-networked, with the most insider information on the industry. I am confindent that they have lots of knowledge, but there has been an implication that came across that if you didn't listen to them, you are missing vital information, which is just not the case. There are many sources information available, many that come without any pressure to join a group and sign away a portion of your signing bonus.
  5. Merciless overuse of ALL CAPS in posts.  (Just kidding, but it did come across as over-selling his product.)

The above list is based on past information and perceptions, and I am not saying that JRM and team are not capable of changing and adapting their approach into something that would be landowner-centric, and I hope they are or that they do.


There are several landowner groups that have signed great leases over the past few months, with powerful lease documents and great monetary compensation.  If you are going to check out what JRM has to offer, please also check out the other group options out there and compare objectively so you can find the best deal for your land.
excellent insight dan.right from the start i thought he came across as arrogant and all knowing. so beware of people like this!! they make ALOT of money off of us landowners for very little work.we can accomplish better deals and better terms by sticking together and joining a group.there are plenty of contracts online to get a start from for free!!

Being a free county, someone can offer a service and charge a fee for it, and if someone decides it's not for them, they are no worse off.  What are we worried about - "visual pollution" on a message board?

I'm not a fan of embargoing information, especially in a situation like this. On the other hand, sometimes the information is not yours to share. 

I suppose you can only judge people on your personal experience with them, but I admit finding it strange that some have made a fetish out of opposing JRM.  I doubt I'm the only person whose found him a useful resources, and I have paid him exactly $0.





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