They are bringing in the machinery now for the pad willn"t be long now.

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Can you tell me where this site is actually located?  Thanks.

Right off of 511/ Mt jackson rd  goin towards Enon Valley Across for Gateway Meats.

off 511???

dont be a A$$ you know what I mean 551

In Lawrence County I saw the permit from a landowner and Shell is going to drill wells in the Genesee and Burkett and 2 Utica wells it is the Kephart well.

Took a few pics 5:45 Pm. 11.04.2012


The big rig is gone and  they are coiling the wells now, they have put a water line  from the wells to Bessemer {12" plastic line }, where they are belive it or not getting the water from Sslippert rock creek hauling the water to Bessemer then putting it into containers and then going to pump the water to the wells put the water in containers and frac the wells this is all I know now of Kephart wells  

Mike, Any idea who will be fracking?

I belive it is allready fracked.

Drove by today and they are fracking 12/17/2012 so I was wrong they are not done fracking.

Not sure but there was a lot of Cudd truces there.drove by today 12.27.2012 and they are done fracking.

They are going to flar the wells tomorrow I was told.1/13/2013


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