What's in store for us this year?

Hilcorp assigns leases to Shell.

Shell assigns leases to Hilcorp.

Hilcorp assigns leases to Co Exprise.

Shell and Hilcorp both have product being produced and sold so royalty checks will finally start being wrote.

Shell was just issued another permit for the Kephart Pad. (3/26/13) Otherwise current activity is pretty dead.

When are some more pads on other leaseholds going to be started? Maybe 2013 is going to be a slow year?

Please post any information as it is known throughout the year. There sure hasn't been much activity on our site lately.

Maybe some Shell , Hilcorp , and Co Exprise reps. could enlighten us with some news ?

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Thanks Chris. I have no idea either but it can't be s bad thing!

Shell is recording more row's in Wayne (Del Mar Golf course),Shenango,and Scott Twp.

Sure would like to see more activity in New Beaver! :-(

Trapper; very happy to hear this as it shows that Shell is still working on the ROW.  I am hoping that they start work in the spring so they need to have all the ROWs in place very soon. And that may also be an indication that the cracker is still being considered.

I would like to see them played out on a map for a good visual.

Any progress being made on the NG Powerplant project at the old Powder Mill site?

Has work begun yet on the West Pgh. Powerplant coal to NG conversion?

Any news on the JV with Shell & Williams Bros on the new plant that's suppose to be operational by early 2015? Seems like they need to get going if they plant to make that deadline..

lots of activity at Patterson last 2 days, moving Stallion trailers in.

Patterson today


That looks like a drilling rig but it looks different than those I have seen.  Is it a rig for doing other work instead of drilling?


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