I was approached by a Landman from Long Consulting Group.  Has anyone heard of them.  Just wondering if they are legit

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It may take 30-45 days to clear in Lawrence County, but here in Northern

Butler county it is taking up to and more than the 90 days.  That is also taking

into consideration the banking holidays.  I got my Lease money in 86 banking days.

Today is the 90th day for my son and daughter (reallyi 96 banking days) and they still

do not have their lease returned.

Once my lease was returned, the bank got the $$ in two banking days, then they hold

it for 3 days...

We were originally told 45-60 days when we signed....

I can see with all the activity that it would take longer, but it would have been a nice

follow up to make us aware of any change to "their word"



When is the best time to contact the office I have a little over 5 acres in washington twp. My neighbor had just signed a month or so ago. 

Took this photo of the Patterson well this morning..Looking forward to the coming months, gonna be very interesting..
Thanks for the photo! What a BEAUTIFUL SIGHT !!!
"I Love the Smell of Fraking in the Morning"

Any word on SWEPI signing bonus or royaly increases above $3,250 and 18%.

  As of 3 weeks ago it was still $3250/18%. What have you heard?


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