CNX has applied for a permit in the Trenton formation. It hasn't been issued yet.

Location is between Bailey, Blott, Rosemont, and Palmyra Roads. Maybe this link will work.,+-80.8825714528047+(... Name: CADLE)


Congratulations Ron.


Edit: After clicking on the link, get rid of everything after the coordinates. It confuses google maps.

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I took the first picture about a week ago.  Drove by tonight and took the second one.


Thanks for the pics DM.  Flare stack is where it was the first time-guess they were setting it up when I saw it in a different place.   Great pics.

Why do they flare them like that?

Production numbers for CNX wells

MAHN 7A: 5411’/18 stage; 1.6 MMcfd + 360 bopd.

MAHN 7C - 5290’/16 stage; 2.2 MMcfd + 331 bopd.

What is the source of these production numbers??

CNX slide presentation that was done on Dec. 13 in Boston to investors.

Not too shabby!!

These are similar numbers to the Halcon Kibler 1H in Lordstown, about 5-6 Miles away.

The Kibler produced an average of 358 barrels of condensate per day and 1.6 million cubic feet of gas per day into sales over the first 30 days on a restricted 24/64 choke, 

It will be very interesting to see what the Halcon Davidson well comes in at, since it is between the 2 

confirmed numbers on the consol  investor web site. consol is reclaiming the the mah 7 frac pad and plans on getting the mahoning wells on line and running production for 12 to 18 mo to check production numbers before  drilling  more wells on this pad.hopefully a more agressive driller will buy out or partner with consol and put mahoning on a faster development scedual. 

They plan on selling their scattered acreage in Mahoning, so I think it's quite likely that someone else will come in and accelerate drilling within the next 18-24 months.  Those numbers look good enough to justify more drilling, though I would have liked to have seen a breakdown of what % of the gas was wet and the BTU rating of said gas.  

MAHN7A 440 barrels of oil in 3 days for 3rd quarter 2013 per ODNR.

MAHN7C 2,122 barrels of oil in 8 days for 3rd quarter 2013 per ODNR.


Both of these wells are now in production with the ODNR.


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