
My name is Tara, I attend Keystone College majoring in Biology with a minor in Chemistry and Bradford County is my hometown. As you likely know, it is one of the most drilled, or fracked, counties in Pennsylvania. I am very interested in researching the potential benefits and risks of natural gas drilling and am conducting an epidemiological study in four counties. I am investigating whether people are experiencing health changes due to the drilling, and if they are, are they reporting the issues to their physicians. 

Whether you're for the drilling, against it, or neutral, all viewpoints matter! The survey takes five minutes and is completely anonymous, do not type your name on the survey! 

Just load the attachment below, fill it out, save it, and then email it back tobanfieldresearch@gmail.com as an attachment, your survey will be saved and your email will be immediately unassociated with the survey! 


Thank you so much for your interest in my undergrad research! 

Any questions, email banfieldresearch@gmail.com

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