This LINK references a map that is disasterous for ...

 Western half of Wayne County

 Western half of Holmes County

 Western half of Coshocton County

 Western half of Muskingum County

 and all counties west of the above list.


 The Light Purple Dashed line, if accurate, shows the demarkation of the IMMATURE Shale - NOT GOOD!


 We need actual production from Utica wells to prove this map wrong.



Views: 1552

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 In maps created by other drillers and from Ohio DNR they previously showed a "bulge" west in the Wet Gas Utica Shale Play in Coshocton county. That bulge is not drawn on Halcon's map. Maybe, this bulge is missing due to "a lack of information" or "intentional mis-information" or ... ???


 I hope the drillers do not attempt to use this map as "proof" to get lower Signing Bonuses and lower Royalty Percentages with the landowners groups that are currently in negotiations !



For my two cents worth I believe that there is more than the Utica under us. I came accross this and it makes for interesting reading.

  Looks as if to me that horizontal drilling could be used even in deleted or low pressure formations. With some dang nice Rose Runs having been drilled and with new geological data  being gathered upon formations never considered in the past I think there will be a lot more playing around even in existing formations. 

  Let me throw this idea out for consideration. We know it is possible to refrac a well in some cases.  for simplicity lets say you have 4 Clinton wells lined up in a neat little line all on their respective 20 acre tracts, so you drill a horizontal  from a new point and connect the wells. Set up on those for wells a blocking frac to allow the horizontal to pressure up and frack everything between those wells  I wonder what you would get?


 "... The word around here ..."

 Devon Energy's conference call is Wednesday 11AM EST Nov 7th !



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