Can anyone confirm that offers are being made at $3200/acre for signing bonus?  Is this extending to other counties in the area?


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Based on the language in a lease sent to me, I would say IF that happened, it represents the entire payment for whatever period of time the lease was written for.  $3200 per acre per year is a whole lot different than $3200 per acre for 10 years, if it even happened.  The one I got offered $250 and 5 years, which sounded in the ball park at first, then upon closer reading it was equal to $50 per acre per year! I didn't return it, of course, but was pretty amazed at the chutzpah of the landman who sent it.  The going offers around here are $250 to $350 per acre per year, extended for 5 years and paid with a single check at signing.  I'm in Wayne county, BTW.

Nowhere in Wayne County has anyone been paid $250-$350 per acre per year.  Chesapeake had signed some landowners at $1250/acre but then rescinded those leases and backed out of the area.  Those landowners were not paid.  These are the facts!!  Check at our recorder's office and see for yourself.  $250/acre for a 5 yr. lease in our area is a good deal considering Wayne County has never been leased for any amount even remotely close to that and there are no wells that prove it to be worth any more than that.     

Quebec Energy sent a letter to that effect to the Izaak Walton League.   If you know the owner of TJ's, who is also named Greg, you might want to talk with him about the letters etc. he has been getting.  Maybe everyone is misreading things, which is easy to do the way they're worded, but I've had several people tell me of offers at $250 per acre/year which they did not sign.  This is the first I've heard of Chesapeake backing out of a lease.  Last I heard they were working hard at trying to tie up the Columbia storage leases and acting as if they were drilling leases. 


Have you picked up on the Chesapeake ads during the evening news?  They seem to be working hard at establishing a reputation of being good guys in all this.  I hope it's true, as has been alluded to here on a few threads, but there are a lot of skeptics out here.  I did talk with one guy in construction who said his brother-in-law caught an earful from them when his bulldozer was leaving some oil on the ground while he worked on one of their sites.


BTW, there is another organizational/membership meeting of the Mohican Basin Landowners on the 16th at Budd School in Loudonville.  If you haven't had a chance to hear Dick Emens and Bob Rae speak about this issue, you might want to stop down.  The speakers begin at 7, with 1 on 1 meetings and membership sign ups beginning at 5.

Just got a call from my parents, They are part of the Carroll County Ohio SURE (Standing United Really Excels) Group. They signed over 7000 acres tonite for $3500 an acre with a 20% royalty clause!  This is great! Remember Carroll County when you are negotiating!

I am a member of the SURE group. Our board members worked up a wonderful lease with Rex Energy. Not all 7000 acres signed yet but there are lease signing dates set in the near future for SURE members who were not present June 1st.
Would the SURE group share a copy of the lease so that others can see the lease terms?
yes just contact the president of SURE group larry jenkins. He is a member of carroll county shale forum on this site.

Is there any further drilling activity in Carroll County, especially north of Augusta?



Does anyone know what the drilling status is in Carroll County? According to the Repository there are 24 drilling permits issued in Ohio and 11 are in Carroll county. Anybody have any info? Or doesn't anyone down there monitor this sight??

Does this SURE group have a web site?



The weekly updated issued permit list from Ohio dnr is attached. 
Forgive my ignorance! Are sign-on bonuses a "per year" payment or a one time payment during the lease period? (So if it is per year, would we receive it for the entire five year period of a lease whether or not there is any drilling?)
it is a one time payment,usually paid within 90 days of signing a contract


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