Kenyon Energy (reportedly as an agent for Chesapeake Energy) is
shotgunning offers during the spring of 2010 to landowners in Harrison
Co., OH, for 5 year leases at $250/ac. with right of renewal. The
shotgun approach is so vague that Kenyon doesn't really know what
anyone owns or how much property they own. Kenyon appears to be trying
to tie up as much land as possible.

The Ohio Farm Bureau and ODNR have held some open public meetings to
discuss the subject of shale, but these meetings have proven rather
useless. Basically, the ODNR said contact your attorney. No real help
on how to evaluate the value of one's property or what a reasonable
lease per acre should be in unexplored areas of Ohio. My family has
about 350 ac in Harrison Co. but we are holding off on doing anything
until we learn more ... hence my reason for joining this group.

I welcome any comments or insight from others in the Harrison-Belmont-Caroll-Jefferson Co area.

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I would hold out on leasing your land in Ohio. Personally I don't see them drilling many wells in Ohio. The Marcellus is not as deep in Ohio as it is in parts of PA, WV and NY. Unless they are willing to pay what they are in those states i would just hold off.
Follow-up to my first post ....

There is another informational meeting to be held on Tuesday, Aug. 3, at 7pm in the Hopedale Social Center in Hopedale, OH. I believe it is another meeting sponsored by the Ohio Farm Bureau and ODNR.

It is also my understanding that there is an individual working to collect names of Harrison landowners that are interested in forming a large-block agglomeration of Harrison Co. property with the intent of creating a stronger negotiation position with the leasing companies. I have heard that this person will be at the Tuesday meeting. (enter a disclaimer here ... I do not know this individual)

Nick ... I share your concerns to some degree. It is difficult to know what "balance" to achieve between the current efforts by energy companies to lock up land vs. whether or not to just wait and see what happens over the next few years. If test wells in eastern Ohio yield disappointing results, the interest by energy companies may dwindle and lease values may drop. But if yields are good, lease and royalty values may increase. Who knows???
Your absolutely right. I live in Tuscarawas County and they are having a meeting in like a week. I hope more drilling happens around here. Tired of working on the wells in PA and WV.
As Billy Bob posted at the top of this discussion, we're in Harrison County with less than 10 acres of undeveloped land. Got our first call today - $250 per acre, 5 year lease, 12.5% royalties. That works out to about $475 a year until, and if,any production happens. Current taxes are about $400 a year. As they say, Do the math.

I think I'll tell them no. For now.
Since you have only 10 acres I suspect you will have very little negotiating power with the energy companies. Suggest that you contact Cheri S. Ramsburg (see her posting in the "$60 per Acre Columbiana Co. Ohio" discussion thread). She is also a Harrison Co. landowner and an attorney and has been creating some owner groups of considerable size for more clout with the energy companies. I would think that, as a small landowner, being a member of one of these groups would get you your best lease and royalty numbers. My opinion only.
The Marcellus Shale in Ohio is not in the fairway like PA and WV. It holds less value which is why companies will not be paying the same price for land as they are in more favorable areas.
A Harrison County Group has been formed. Come on over and join us!
Hello Billy Bob. I own 12 acres that are in Harrison county right on the border of Carroll county. I was offered $1,000 / acre by Kenyon. That was after I turned down the original offer of $250 / acre. I am in the process of getting a revision to the lease due to the wording in the paragraph that says they can also drill on contiguous property owned by us. We also own 74 acres right next to the 12 and I didn't want them touching that acreage.
Rose, I too think that paragraph is a bit insidious as it could easily catch unsuspecting owners into leasing property that they would like to exclude from the lease. I can certainly understand that there could be circumstances where an owner might want to exclude their home property or other special land from the lease. This is a perfect example of why owners need to VERY CAREFULLY read the text of a lease, understand what it means, and ferret out where the land mines might be! The Harrison Co. Stock township group is currently at $1,170/ac with pretty good lease terms.
Billy Bob,

Could you please share with others the name of the individual negotiating for the Stock Township group and who is the land or energy company that you're negotiating with? Is it Chesapeake Energy? Also, may I ask what the royalty amount is? Thanks for sharing with us.

Cheri, Has any land owner yet received a check? What is the name of the energy company paying these amounts? Thanks in advance for your reply.
Cheri, who is the land or energy company offering $1,170 / acre and 15 % royalty? Is it a 5 year lease with a bonus payment similar to what Kenyon is offering (Chesapeake Energy)?


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