I'm new to "gomarcellusshale", as well as new to this business.  We have a 152 acre farm with "Clinton" gas wells which supply our needs.

We've been approached by Fossil Creek Energy Corp (FCEC) for $50/acre, 12.5% Royalty, and $10,000 if a well is drilled.  We are sitting on the Utica Strata.  I've carefully read the lease and am very suspicious of the terms.  We are consulting attorneys.  I don't see any members from Noble County..and some interesting notes from Guernsey which lead me to suspect the FCEC lease.  Can they broker a lease after signing "cheap"?

We have news of ARTEX Oil offering leases in our County, they're out of Marietta.  Any comment on FCEC, ARTEX, and my suspicions would be welcomed!

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Our meeting is not until tomorrow night & the preliminary details we have cannot be disclosed at this point due to confidentiality agreements.
ok thanks Scott.
Is anyone going to share with their Neighbors what happened at the meeting? was there red - lining, Every meeting I have attended has guaranteed that everyone in the group would be accepted as long as they had the mineral rights, Is that not the case here, If you turn down the offer or they turn down are you not able to drop out of the group? at the point the confidentiality agreement would be moot, If you are afraid to say publicly can inbox me privatley

We all signed confidentiality agreements, so you probably won't get a specific response unless you are part of the group.

ok i understand now.  i hope the best for everyone in the group and am surprised there is a potential issue.  Maybe it will work out in the end though for everyone.

AT posted earlier that the new Exxon lease is not that attractive.  So my question is:


"how is the $4950 Exxon lease in Barnesville not that attractive?  I'm kinda surprised no ones talking about it on this forum being that its so much more lucrative than anything else we've seen.  Also as for the royalties.  I've looked at about 8 leases now and i have yet to see one that totally eliminates any expenses.  I've actually read several that say gross but when you look deeper into it and have a attorney review the lease they end up being somewhat of a net payout.  I would have to see a REAL "gross payout" lease to believe it for my self.  Actually the gentlemen i spoke to at KWDG even mentioned the leases are not 100% gross payout.  I think this is because were dealing with a wet mix of substances and until the stuff is separated you really do anything with it.


I'm still trying to decide which way to go and would have figured everyone would be all the talk about this news from last week.

sawtooth, See the discussion regarding this deal that took place last week on the Harrison County area of this site. Also, I believe the deal was for Belmont, Harrison and Jefferson counties only.

hello AT can you direct me a little better.  Just looked but can't seem to find it so far.



sawtooth, Go to the discussion in the Harrison County portion of this website titled "Lease Offers in Harrison County" and go to page 36 of the discussion or copy and paste this entire link into your browser to get there: http://gomarcellusshale.com/forum/topics/lease-offers-in-harrison?g...

Why is there a signed confidentiality agreement? It would seem to me that the more information that's shared, the more the group will grow and the more leverage there will be in negotiating. It would also let friends & neighbors know details on land protections and rebeautification (if a well is drilled on your acreage), as well as the dollar amounts for bonus & royalties. This kind of shared info/knowledge would benefit everyone by making oil & gas companies more competitive with each other. It would also keep some people from being excluded from this opportunity simply because they can't get to a meeting or think this whole opportunity doesn't apply to them.   

I've attended 6 meetings, learned the experience and expertise of the representatives of Homeland--oil man, lawyer, geologist, etc, Viewed the geological maps showing Marcellus, Utica and other deposits in eastern Ohio. I've seen how the O&G landmen treat landowners and how groups of landowners can negotiate for some future security. I don't see it as greedy-it's sensible. I'm not crossing my fingers for a particular $ amount, I just want to have the most knowledgeable people representing me. These people are knowledgeable. I've seen geolocial mapping showing the Utica deposit (about 2 counties wide from northeast OH to the northern edge of Noble Co. The rest of Noble & farther south is "wet gas" (less valuable), west of the Utica is Marcellus shale (natural gas). We viewed photos of drilling sites and the huge amount of equipment, trucks, concrete pads & pools they involve, discussions on rebeautification, easements, water usage by drillers, restrictions that prevent trucks rambling by your house all night long (if the well is on your land)--things I'd never think of on my own. I know my lease will probably be traded to put blocks together for drilling, but my lease stays intact and all details transfer to the new lease owner. I don't believe greed  is my driving concern--actually I'm sure it's not, since I've spent a lot of time trying to help friends and neighbors get included in the Utica play who were lucky enough to miss being robbed when the first landmen hit Noble Co.  Haven't been keeping track of this running commentary, just jumped back in tonight, but I see that there are so many questions and the info is getting out so slowly. Our group is expecting to have a lease to examine by the end of Sept. I may or may not get anything for my land, but I still hope my friends reap the benefits of theirs-it's only fair.  I'm hope to hear about the reasons for confidentiality. I still can't see that as advantageous for the landowners.

Your second response seems a bit sarcastic-have I offended you? If so, I apologize. Per your previous comment, perhaps some reticence is desirable for reasons I don't see, but I've already stated the points in a lease we've discussed that I have heard almost nothing about on this forum-that's why I put them out there, so people are armed to help themselves. Even if landmen are inserting themselves into discussions & gleaning information for their own purposes, that info is out there if they know where to look. At this point, they can no longer rip-off people like my neighbors for $15-$50/ac, but there are other ways to be ripped off when dealing  on a subject we personally know little about.  If you need more specifics, you can go to HomelandEnergyVentures online and read about what's going on and there's a phone number listed to call & ask questions & get more info.  There's also a sample lease to look at, although ours will vary, of course. I have pages of notes, but the essence has been stated. They are very forthcoming to landowners on what their goals are and what points are being negotiated. As I said, we've had six meetings over the summer and are no longer having informational sessions; negotiations on a lease are going on now. There is no confidentiality agreement-we were encouraged to contact as many friends & neighbors as possible, give them details, and invite them to the next meeting. I passed out more than a dozen agreements to my family & friends (& neighbors who weren't already signed). There is an agreement to let them negotiate for our land solely, without signing with anyone else, while they are actively working on gettiing leased with oil companies. We're now just waiting on the lease to examine terms. There is no charge to join the group. They do receive 5% of bonus & 5% of any royalties and I know a lot of people find this excessive. I know they will get (probaby already are) stinking rich since they formed their company and leased 160,000 acres in PA  for Marcellus shale. The president of Homeland owned an oil drilling company when Marcellus play started & decided he wanted to represent the landowners. His earliest lessors got $2850/ac; the rest got much more (and remember, natural gas (Marcellus shale) is cheaper than oil (Utica).  But people in PA are evidently not as leery of strangers as people here. Getting people to mtgs. was difficult whereas in PA they started out with as many attendees as we had near the end of our sessions. I may not get that much, or I may get nothing at all, but I've tried my best to share this opportunity so that as many people as possible in this distressed area can get at least a small piece of the pie. So, Homeland's goal is to do the best they can for us in order to get the best they can for themselves. I find that a great incentive on their part. Call them & ask away.



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