Anyone heard this?

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yes sir . make no sense. AEP made a deal with Paloma that they will accept all marketable competitive leases and pay paloma $12k per acre. Paloma had until Feb 28 to turn all their leases over. That why they jacked up their bonus payment and 5 year renewal.  Makes no sense to me because Great River which is a shell leasing company  of AEP paid less bonus and had less 5 year renewal. 100% v 115%.  Also makes no sense because GRE has reneged on their lease. Many people have not been paid going over 9 months now as you can see in the forums.

Before Paloma made the deal they were paying a low ball bonus with crappy lease.

They players now are Gulfport, RIce, AEP. in the belmont jefferson area. I don't if anyone else is leasing. I heard something other day about some Purple Land Mangement doing some leasing by Fairpoint. I have no idea who they are working for.


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