I was through Utica today so I drove past the well. Lots of activity. They are obviously fraccing the well. They have a large pump down by the creek and a white water line from the pump up to the well site. There were at least a dozen trucks lined up in the driveway.

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Pump was not running. I was by there today and the pump is gone.

I heard the frack is over and the micro/seismic crews have picked up there sensors.

 Hmmmm and the plot thickens what will be the result? Hopefully fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I heard from a good source that the well will rest for 30 days.  So the flow testing will  begin mid August.

The Sensibaugh well is full of activity.  Looks like they are not waiting 30 days to flow it back.  A work over rig showed up today. 

very interesting!!!!!!! I wonder what pressures they have

Learned today that they are still reading some sensors that are buried in surrounding areas.  These are different from the sensors that were placed above ground.

Just what I heard, don't know, but the word is problems.


Jodi on the other hand if the well was off the charts it might just be a monster that their not taking chances with.

Hopefully just a glitch.

From what I here they are acidizing the well.  If it was completely fraced in all the stages this is backwards from the norm.  We will just need to wait and see.



Time to take more photo's from the woods.

Headline news Frack halted due to nudist camp near by!   :)


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