I was through Utica today so I drove past the well. Lots of activity. They are obviously fraccing the well. They have a large pump down by the creek and a white water line from the pump up to the well site. There were at least a dozen trucks lined up in the driveway.

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 "Watered Up" means way too much (brine) water is returning compared to the amount of Gas and Oil being produced.


Thanks. That makes sense. I still can't find where I read that about the faults. The search does not work.

  I attended the Licking County fracking advisory committee  meeting last night 26 September. A Rep was there at the meeting  and said that the well was a exploratory well and as such could not elaborate in detail about it.  I confronted him after the meeting and told him I had heard the well was watered up. Forget it, do not play poker with this guy no movement no emotion shown might as well talked to the wall! lol I guess or on site reporter will have to drill deeper for info. lol


It's amazing how secretive they can be. Wonder what's up?

Devon aquired all of Chesapeake Energy's holdings in the Western part of Guernsey County.  Part of those holdings was a well in Wheeling Township.  The well was begun by Chesapeake in the summer of 2011 but never completed.  Devon completed the well with Enervest as operator.  The well was fracked in Aprill of this year.  There is a very large pump jack atop the wellhead with a battery of some 15-18 tanks on site.  There were also upgrades made to the pipelins from the well site.  Devon has made no mention of the results from this well; Enervest, for its part, has mentioned only that they are operators of the well and that sampling of the oil gave it an API wight of around 47.  Devon has permitted for another lateral at the same site.  In addition, they have permitted for 2 more units nearby.  I know of a friend who has land in that same area, hbp as part of a Columbia Gas storage field, that has been approached by Devon to amend their lease such that they can be placed in a unit.  All of this is being done with hardly a whisper.

I have been watching this well and wondering about the lack of info being reported. I have noticed they have permitted for 2 more laterals and wondered even more about what it is producing. I agree that the comapanies will not report production if they think it will hurt their leasing chances. I have property 7 miles south of this site in western guernsey. I hope it's producing nicely.

All these drillers will HAVE TO report the wells production reports in March,2013. So maybe we will have to wait till then to know what thev"ve discovered. I agree, if they have good results, why let the local who have"nt leased yet know that their mineral rights are worth more than they are offereing?

Remember though, two men can keep a secret if one of them is dead.  News travels fast, even when you don't want it to.

Just saw a rig back in on the knox co. well, anyone know why.

read that the ashland well was plugged and being reclaimed. well in knox was plugged a few weeks ago but was plugged in a way that they could reopen it. dont shoot the messenger just what the local buzz is. anybody got any better info.


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