What is up with developing the 'volatile oil' window of the Utica?
It is definitely down there.
Saving the best for last, or just working what they know how to do first?
Waiting on infrastructure?
Disappointing results?
Anyone know or hear about this?

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Shon, I assume your are speaking of Enervest? If so, they are learning down in the Oil Window in western Guernsey County. In my opinion they will learn all they can there before moving forward in Tuscararus, Coshocton etc. I hate the analogy that everyone uses about "it's the 1st inning of a 9 inning game", but it's a good one. Maybe to say the fans are still waiting in line to get tickets is better. If true I want my well drilled in about the 5th inning.
"4. Houser said his company participated on a non-opposition basis with Pittsburgh-based EQT on two wells in the Utica shale.

The wells were initially producing 500 barrels per day, but that later flattened to 80 to 100 barrels per day, he said.

He called those two of the best oil wells his company had seen in the Utica.

Its own oil wells in the UTica had flattened to about 30 barrels per day, so the EQT results were encouraging, he said.

He offered little other information on that joint effort."
I suspect the company that drilled in Muskingum, near Bloomfield,
Just didn't know what they were doing yet.
I think it may have been Anadarko.
That area may still prove to be productive too,
although many have given up on Muskingum county.
My spot is in Guernsey, right next to I70/77/ sr 209.
Also have lots of water, and space for a lay down yard/ drop site if anyone is interested. We are on roads with no weight restriction,
easy access on and off freeways.
Also unleased, although we have had plenty of offers.
I agree with you on 'drill in the 5th inning'
Chesapeake landed hear in Lee Twp. Carroll county 3 years ago.we now have well pads every half mile apart (east to west) and 2 miles apart (south to north) . No end in sight. Rigs in and out frack trucks everywhere. You learn to drive on far right side of road! And yes the wells are paying out. Still a lot of pipeline to lay.


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