I am interested in finding out who I can contact about leasing my 28 acres of land in Harrison county. 

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Frank, The main player in Harrison County is not Kenyon Energy. I have worked with several groups that have all received over $1,000 an acre and at a 15% royalty and great addendums. It is very important to have good addendums that protect the landowner, such as not allowing any deductions for expenses to be made from your royalty payment. Most gas and oil contracts are very one sided towards the landowner unless there are addendums added.

Please contact me if you want more information.
I will be attending the NARO conference in Pittsburgh also. My name is Tim Greene. I own and operate a company named Land & Mineral Management of Appalachia. I assist mineral owners through the leasing process and with continued management of the mineral.

I would be happy to talk to each individual or to a group.

Please call 304-545-7644 or e-mail tgreene711@gmail.com

Whatever you do, please find someone with oil and gas experience and an oil and gas backgraound to assist you.

Cheri, I'd like to contact you. Please give me a number, or direct e-mail address. Thanks
I can help you with someone in Harrison county that is forming a large Coalition of land owners and marketing it right now. Let me know if you are interested.
So Jim, are you shoping the 16,300 ac for competetive bids from several companies or have you set a price to offer it for lease? How many different counties is the 16,300 ac in? Within this acerage is there a proven producing well or is it all speculation? Thanks
You must be very busy........(A Good Thing) a lot going on in a large area.
How long do you estimate it will be until there is a producing well that generates income for landowners from the sale of gas in Harrison, Jefferson and Belmont counties? I know one of the pipeline companies in Belmont county that was buying right away pulled out about 2/3 weeks ago, any idea why?
Not sure of the spelling :) Percheron out of El Paso TX.

I am hearing on the ground that it will be at least 3/4 years before we will see any real productivity in these 3 counties.
do you an idea of what they are going to try to get per acre?
Do you have access to or the knowledge to calculate how much difference 1% royalty equates to in dollars over the expected 40 years a well will produce? I have heard 100's of thousands!

If anyone were to reply with a specific dollar amount to your question, that individual would be practicing the ethics of an unemployed, used car salesman! Why do I say this? Well, in Eastern Ohio, the possibility exists that there is more than one Hydro carbon layer in play. Secondly, technology is advancing rapidly. The advent of horizontal drilling is what put the Marcellus Shale formation in play. You mentioned a lifespan of 40 years for a well. I've talked to royalty owners that were receiving payments on wells that are 90 years old. Granted, the wells have been reworked but it's the original location. However, a 90 year life is uncommon. The bottom line is that the royalty amount is where one should focus their negotiation skills before signing a lease. A 1% increase in royalty fees could easily increase the value of your oil and gas lease to the hundreds of thousands of dollars amount that you mentioned. If you can, be patient until more major oil and gas companies enter the eastern Ohio market.
Thank you for the inormation. I own 50 acres along Hwy224 in Mahoning County, Poland Township. 1.5 miles from the Penn border. Is ther any leasing activity in this are a of Ohio? Thanks again, Steve Brescia

Hi Al:  I was reviewing comments on this site as my sisters and I own some property in Ross county, down the road from State Lake area.  We have been contacted by Chesapeake regarding gas.  I'm trying to get educated; however, I noted your last name and wondered if you had any relatives from Steubenville?  We had a family with your last name a few doors down...just wondered?  Thanks.

Christine Yanch McBride


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