Can anyone tell me how to get info or inform me on the Howard shackleford OHI 1h well on GC&P Rd. I know the unit had 1st sales starting 9-2-14. I can not locate and production figures on the internet propably beacuse they have not been reported yet. With the transfer of leases from Chesapeake to Southwestern Energy no one can seem to give me any info at either company. One says they dont handle the leases anymore while the other say they have not received any of the records yet.  I am trying to determine when or if divsion orders will be prepared. It is currently going on 7 months without any word and from different owners I speak with, this seems unusually long and are generally received within 5 months. 

 It seems the information should be more accesssable to us owners instead of jumping through hoops and spending hours on the phone and internet trying to get information. The companies should send out well update letters to owners with status udates or something.

Any assissantance would be greatly appriciated.


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The excuse Antero (I haven't had to deal with CHK or Southwestern on this yet) has been giving for not making first payments quickly is that they need to do certified title and get Division Orders back from all the interest owners before sending out checks.  Because of the large number of mineral owners in some tracts due to lengthy heirships, there's a lot of paperwork, and it just takes time.  I have a client who thinks they're just dragging their feet so they can put that royalty money to use.  He said he saw the exact same thing happen when he was working in the mining industry out west when he was younger.  I spoke with a landman who says it's a real accounting nightmare for them because they have to hold onto that royalty money in separate accounts until it gets paid.  Maybe somebody who has actually worked for an oil and gas company in a position where they would actually know about this kind of thing could chime in.

As far as production data, that will be out here in the next month or two.  Keep checking the WVDEP website.

If you live close and don't want to wait, you could probably drive out to the well pad and look at the meters.  Make sure to get permission from the landowners, of course.  I suspect most of them will be more than happy to give you a tour if you ask nice.

Signing a division order it not required. I have never signed one and still got all the payment from all wells. It's only a law in Texas that you have to sign a division orders. It took us 7 months before we got or first check.

Thanks for the input.  I've had a few clients who have fought with the companies over DOs and just given up.  It's not bad if you read the DO and make sure it doesn't change the terms of the lease.  What did you say to the companies to get them to send you checks without a DO?

I called CHK and ask why I needed to sign this and they told me that's it's only a law in Texas and I didn't have to do anything. I learn about not signing DO from other post on this site. There are many people that didn't sign Do and there was no hold up on their checks either. I agree that they read to read over the DO to make sure everything is correct. They best thing to do is call the company. Now that CHK as sold to SW not sure how this is going to work out for Micheal. But I would think he needs to still deal with CHK since they were the operators of this well pad. Good Luck and hope it doesn't ture into to a nightmare since SW now ownes this lease. I know of a person that Chk still owes checks to and they are telling them they have to call SW. We received or first check from SW and trying to figure out their statement is not at all like CHk. Have a call into them now which it going take at least 5 days before they call you back. Many many questions I need answer to.


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