My family has mineral rights in Potter County, PA, West Branch Township and I'm researching the fair market pricing for leases in that area.

My family has mineral rights in Potter County, PA, West Branch Township and I'm researching the fair market pricing for leases in that area.  After paying a very modest price for the first 5 year lease the company has substatially upped the price after we pushed back a little bit.  I'd really like to know what others are getting per acre, how long their leases are, if they're getting a percentage of the output, etc.

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I'll e-mail you this afternoon.

Anyone accessing this Potter site, should also look @ what's on the McKean site.  The 2 counties make up 1/2 of the 4-County Group ... the half that's most active @ this point.

Mark, I don't know how far you have gotten in your quest, but I do know that the #'s put before readers earlier in this thread were NOT #'s for Potter/McKean.  With 4-5 companies currently "in" this region, the competition for your "rights" is minimal.  As a single entity "wanting" a fair lease ($$, %'s, and safeguards) and "getting" one are not synonymous.  Many times Penn State's Marcellus Center staff have recommended staying away from negotiating on your own.  Many types of lawyers and those in gas-related businesses don't attempt to do what you're wanting to do.

If you're still looking to expand your knowledge before signing any agreement, I'm suggesting you attend the public meeting on leasing next month in Coudersport.  It will be held @ the Firemen's Meeting Hall, 171 Rte.6W, @ 6:30PM on FEB. 21st.  The opportunities to ask questions will be many, and the materials available to learn more about the many aspects of leasing will be free for the taking.


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