Rogersville Shale an Opportunity per Marathon Petroleum Corporation's CEO

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Gary Heminger of Marathon Petroleum Corporation talking to employees at an employee meeting about the "Rogersville Shale".

"I already talked about the opportunities in the Southwest, but in the Northeast, there’s a new development play called the Rogersville Shale.  The Rogersville Shale happens to sit right underneath the Catlettsburg refinery.  So just think about the synergy long term being about to get those liquids and we think condensate. But very deep shale.  Unlike Utica and Marcellus that is in maybe the five to seven thousand feet level, this is twelve to fourteen thousand feet that you’re going to go down with horizontal wells.  Much more expensive to build and develop but that Rogersville sits right underneath Catlettsburg refinery. So we think a lot of opportunity down the road."

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