In case some of you didn't read the Sullivan Review this week of March 3, 2010, the MARC I hub line is a go! 


The article says that "Inergy will be sponsoring a "binding open season" to determine the final size and scope of the project in the next three weeks. Inergy expects to file a Natural Gas Act 7(c) application with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for a certificate of public convenience and neccessity in the Spring of 2010 and anticipates the North-South Project to be placed into service by late 2011."


It also says, "The MARC I would open Sullivan County up to the extensive Marcellus Shale natural gas development that is being seen in Lycoming, Tioga, Bradford and Susquehanna counties as the producers would have access to a large interconnected pipeline system serving the major natural gas consuming northeastern United States."   For maps and information go to

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if anyone gets definite route can you let us all know
i don't know if this is definite or not but we have been surveyed and a letter has been sent to us near laporte. we have 1 mile of pipeline going thorugh us.
GE can you tell me if your letter is from Inergy or Stagecoach Storage??
I got my Sullivan Review today. There is an article about the Marc 1 pipeline.

Here it is:

"Central New York Oil and Gas (CNYOG) will be holding two open houses for landowners affected by the proposed MARC-1 (pipeline) Project. This large diameter natural gas interstate transmission pipleline will be routed from a location east of Wyalusing through Sullivan County to a location south of Beaver Lake in eastern Lycoming County.

CNYOG representatives will be available to answer questions about the project.

First Meeting - Tuesday, June 22, 6-8 p.m. at the Tuscarora Wayne Community Room in Wyalusing.
Second Meeting - Thursday, June 24, 6-8 p.m. in the Sullivan County Courthouse, Laporte.

For more information call Maureen Ball at 607-689-0956."
thanks a lot for the info
don't know since i have not seen the letter.  did get letter from cnyog about meeting in laporte
Talked to Maureen Ball of CNYOG and she informed me that they will be presenting the actual proposed corridor at the meetings. It almost seemed like it will be the first time that this information will be presented to the public. Engineers and Environmental will be present at the meeting. It sounds like the line is proposed to transverse east of Dushore and parallel 220 to the east. In some locations it could be as much as 4 to 5 miles off of 220.
do you have her phone number
are you attending the meeting if so can you possibly post the proposed route when you can
As posted under Jeff’s reply posted above, Maureen Ball’s number is 607-689-0956. I will likely be at the meeting, and if they supply copies of the route to the public I will try to post it. I was also informed that the pipeline is currently proposed to be a 30 inch line. I think I read somewhere that it may have been bumped up to a 42 inch line. Nevertheless, this line will be the catalyst to get the E&P companies active with drilling wells in the county because they will have means to get their product to market.

The bitter sweet of it all is that wells will soon be drilled while gas prices are low. Many leases are currently under contract with 12.5 to 15 % royalty payouts. If a well is drilled on a lease property the existing lease is often extended. But after the Marc-1 is built, lease values (new and renogatiated) are likely to increase, because the infrastructure will be in place. This infrastructure of the Marc-1 line will allow Sullivan County gas to be transported throughout most of the country, and into Canada; not to just local distributers such as UGI.
the route is out and for all intents and purpose it follows 220
Attached is the Marc-I Map. Last week’s meetings were the first time this information was disseminated to the public.


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