Chesapeake signed an oil and gas lease May 1, 2011 on 10 acres in Auburn Township, and a second lease on a small lot of 1.125 acres in Auburn, both recorded July 2011.
The 10 acre lease was on land bordering Carlin Pond if that helps anyone.
I have a subscription to Landex, so I will try and post useful info here as I see it. (for example filings for pooling etc.)
Everyone else is welcome to do the same.
What do you mean by filings for pooling ?
We were told that no one knows until the well is drilled is that correct ?
I have a cabin off of route 267 auburn center bennett road, at huff dam at the moment when lease with chesapeake no one has approached me yet for releasing
Anything new with the gas pooling discussions?
No one has approached me about pooling,
Sorry I have been away. I will try to answer some of the questions here.
Pooling is when they make the big unit for the wells they are drilling (usually 500-600 acres, but it can be smaller or split in pieces as each drilling tower has up to 6 wells on it when they finish), it occurs after drilling, you will not be approached by the oil & gas company on it - they have complete control over how they draw the lines which are based on how the land was fractured underground. They will have to file a pooling document and map with the county which will identify every land parcel in the unit, which is what I was searching. These pools or units are important because that tells you the money split on the well with your neighbors - if you own 10% of the land in a unit you get 10% of the royalty payout from the well.
If you post or send me your parcel's tax ID number I can pull your pooled unit if it has happened. Pooling is important because it is the next step on the way to getting the landowner's royalty paid by the gas co.
Our area was just pooled into a 500+ acre unit called the Riley North Unit.
I made a very crude google map of some of the pools in Auburn, but there are so many now I can't keep up with it. Here's the link: (don't take the lines as 100% correct w/o GPS coordinates for the corners I had to estimate)
After pooling the gas company will mail every landowner a Division Order, after that they will start issuing you checks (usually one big 6 month check, to cover the time they spent drawing up the pools and division orders) then monthly afterwards if it is over 50 bucks. You can see steps of the process on Chesapeake's website (go to the landowner's section).
So what I'd like to know is has anyone in Auburn gotten a division order this year? I'm sitting here biting my nails waiting because we sure could use the money, and can't get anyone at the gas company on the phone.
Hi, Henry.
I don't have the information you're looking for. I did appreciate the information you shared regarding pooling, etc. I'm just learning how all of that works & your explanation helped. We are within a mile of a rig that just went up last week & there are markers up for wells coming even closer. We are very interested in knowing if we're included in any units at this point. I purchased the subscription to Landex but I'm having a hard time getting any information out of it. Do I have to have every field filled in? When I search for anything O&G related w/ my parcel ID I get nothing back. I can't seem to fill in every # of my parcel id. Do you have any tips for how to use Landex?
Your troubles with Landex are due to the way susquehanna coutny and some other countires index their land - they don't use the parcel tax IDs at all for searching from what I can tell.
You are better off searching for a type of document called Unit or Pool or Oil & Gas Lease, depending on what county you are in, just scroll thru the document types. It's "Pool" something in Susquehanna.
Also use the last name of the property owner or the township name to narrow it down, or you will pull every pooling order in the area. for example you can pull all the pooling orders from Auburn township and go through them. What I did was look every week for new pooling orders until I found one with our property in it. You won't be pooled until the well is fracked, which will happen after the big drilling tower is gone. Signs that pooling is going on are the laying of long cables all over the place to measure the facking they are doing.
Thanks for the help, Henry! I will play around w/ Landex again to see if I can get anything but your information certainly helped! Are the long cables like what they used for the seismic testing?
Short update: Chesapeake's latest word to us is that they are waiting on a pipeline to be finished to hook our well up to start production. At this point I'd go out with a shovel and help them if they would let me :)
Ha! Can't blame you there! Good luck, Henry! I know they are working on pipeline in my area too.
North Rylee unit just got its division order (well at least we did in the mail). Chesapeake put it in the same oversized envelope they use for their promotional don't throw it out! Also Google Maps has finally updated their pictures, so you can see what work was done by satelite photo as of early spring (judging by the trees).
I sent back my division order for Rylee North unit back in the middle of July, 2012 it is 9/19/2012 and still waiting for first check...has anyone in this unit been sent a royalty check yet?
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