Just curious...

     I am in Liberty township and a few months ago got an offer to buy my royalties for 1500 to 1800 per acre, but they would do a more in-depth look if I was serious which "mite change the numbers" slightly....even tho I am not drilled or receiving any royalties ..talked to a landsman rite b4 I contacted them and he advised caution as there will be "significant" activity in my area in the "near future"....how about it, anybody else get an offer or hear anything or see any activity here in Tioga Co. ?

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My father always said, "The squeaky wheel always gets the grease!"

An hour ago Montage Rep called my wife and apologized for the delay. However she also said that an unforeseen problem with their new accounting system had delayed royalty payments. 

She also said, "Tentively, checks would be sent out today" to be received by this coming Friday.  If her words hold true, then the checks will be at least three weeks late! 

I am hoping that at the end of next Friday, all of the folks expecting these royalty checks from Montage will indeed start their "royalty wheels squeaking every day" until their checks arrive!

Granddad Ladd

To Josie and Bob

The squeaky wheel was not  Montage.  The "squeaky wheel" refers to the noise that wheel is making for attention. The "squeaky wheels" are the landowners that have not received their royaltys. Until someone made inquirys as to why  checks had not been received when expected, there was really no information forthcoming as to the problem. Visualize me as a "squeaky" wheel if you will.  Other landowners have been inquiring from me as to the problem. I think that these other landowners also need to become "sqeaky wheels" too and not just take my word for what I was being told, basically,  "unforeseen problem with their new accounting system!"  Their rep never said a word about cash flow problems during any inquiry made

I also try to pay my bills on time!    And if I cannot pay when payment is expected, I inform my creditors as to the reason why,  and I catch up just as soon as possible!

Granddad Ladd 

If what you say is correct "Default of lease" then I guess it's back to peanut butter sandwiches and bean soup again for some of us. 

Could this be the result of "MAKING THE UNITED STATES GREAT AGAIN?" Insight, kind of points in that direction.  (insight, not incite!) Many folks misunderstand the difference between these two words! 

I try to keep an open mind as to what is taking place. But I also listen to what is being said and done by a person before making a decision about them..

If a default is in the future with these royalty payments, many land owners will be extremely hard pressed to meet their commitments.  

Did this Rep lie? Well it seems she promised that checks had been "cut and mailed out" two weeks ago and should be in our mailbox by the end of that week.  Monday came and no checks arrived.

After inquiring the local post office, whether  Montage checks were there or not and being told, "no!  no Montage checks were there".   And as promised, my wife made another phone call to Montage. The same person answered and said that checks would be mailed that very day, Monday. 

So now we will wait a few more days before more phone calls to Montage if checks do not show up!

Granddad Ladd

Amazing that you would make that statement!  Do you honestly believe that Mr T. "Has it in for all Painter Unit landerowners?"

Your last 13 words seem to say that you are somewhat angry at me for some unknown reason.  Possibly because you do not fully understand what was being said. 

You are also interpreting what you are finding out and passing the information to whoever wants to read it. Each of your readers put their own "SPIN" on the information according to their own experiences.  And there is nothing wrong with that!    This is what "insight" is. 

Now the word "Incite"  is to deliberately cause trouble or try to change the opinion of other folks!

World leaders are all listening to each other! Each leader has the job of deciding what he must do or can do to acquire whatever it is that he desires.  Some leaders cannot see beyond their  own personal desires. They try to cajole or convince their followers that they alone can solve the problems of their country.  Other leaders have a more broad desire just to keep the peace between their country and another country. And other leaders want to become the uncontested leader of all other countries.

And believe it or not there are folks that want peace and security for everyone!  Unfortunately this probably will never happen.

I doubt that any individual human being has the ability to solve the difficulties the world is dealing with.

Aside from all of that, Does Mr. T. really believe he should be able to purchase Greenland like he would buy a Kentucky Fried chicken dinner?   

Granddad Ladd

What happened to the replies from Josie and Bob? And why are my own postings not being posted either?    Much great information is forthcoming from Josie and Bob.  I appreciate everything from members either pro or not concerning the oil and gas industry.  I think we all do!

Granddad Ladd

My postings are now appearing again.   Hope to hear from Josie and Bob again soon. Input from all other members are incouraged too.

Granddad Ladd

I've very nearly given up on this page. I don't get notifications of any posts, or ONE, once a week or so. I've tried reaching out to the owner(s) but can't get through. I really used to enjoy this site, lots of information, keeping in touch. But now it feels like there's a wall between us. 


TIA, D. Reynolds (Tioga County, PA)

Hello Deb.

Have to say that I am disappointed in this thread too. I happen to own a few acres in the Painter unit. In fact, within a few hundred yards of the well itself. Early on, a pipeline was put across my property supposedly to connect to Abplanalp  well  a couple miles west of us and then to Diminion pumping facility at Sabinsville.   Travis Peake drilled the first well and it gave great promise.. Then a second well was drilled about a year later on the same pad. Even great promise seemed to be in the future.

For some unknown reason Abplanalap well pad was prepared but was never drilled as far as I know.  Shortage of enough water prompted a waterline from the Cowanesque river to be installed. However it was never very satisfactory.   I am not sure why.  being an " ON TOP OF GROUND" installation, it was soon taken up and another larger capacity pipeline was planned.  Also a large water impoundment was built a mile or so just south of Abplanalp well pad to feed both Painter well pad and other  well pads that had been planned for the future.

Royalty's from the first Painter well soon appeared in our mail box. And then after the second well was drilled and put on line, royalty's also began to appear.

Travis Peake drilling sold to Eclipse drilling for the second well.  Eclipse became Montage some months later.  Then came difficulties.  Supposedly a new system of their business was being converted from the old system.

Land owners royalty checks were delayed supposedly because of this conversion.   (but we, Landowners, were never advised of change of ownership,     or the possibility of any delay of those royalty checks.)

A week passed, no checks!  Another week passed and still no check. I took it upon myself to inquire thru this site about the delay.  My wife Lu, having had several years experience dealing with large companies decided to make a phone call to Eclipse/Montage .

Explanations were a bit sketchy  but a promise to have checks in our hands at the end of the week was made. 

In the mean time some neighbors were calling us thinking that maybe postal delivery had been somehow mixed up. due to vacations and maybe impassible flooded roads. 

Another week goes by and still no checks..  Tomorrow we hope the delay has been cleared up. 

So Deb that is how it stands today

Granddad Ladd

Late yesterday our royalty check arrived in the mail  I presume all other Painter unit  landowner's royalty checks arrived too.  However these checks will be coming at a later date then previous according to a notice from Montage.  I can only guess why there is going to be a delay  for future payments.

Granddad Ladd

Seems that Westfield township has degraded into Oblivion as far as the flat castle gas&oil  units development  are concerned.   Old Timer has disappeared and so has Josie and Bob.   The only activity has been at the wind turbine staging area near Potter brook.  But I wont get into a discussion about that here.

Granddad Ladd

Two words....gas price.

The 'talking heads' are certain prices will not rebound significantly anytime soon, so it appears that most E&Ps are cutting back on Capex, drilling only enough to fulfill pipeline contracts.

Boom and Bust....same as it ever was.....

I recall Dad saying these same words, "Boom and Bust",  so many times back through the 85 years I have lived.  Every time the two political parties change  hands. it seems "Boom or Bust"! And up and down   situation if ever there was one.   But wouldn't you think that gasoline prices would drop more steeply for the U.S. as a whole?

And thank you for replying! I was about ready to leave this site as a waste of time.

Granddad Ladd


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