Permit on engineers report applied by Enervest on August 19 in clay township. Acreage is 153.2 acres. Looks like they will be drilling a well soon.

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Thanks TM

I see they have some stakes up there must be getting ready.

Where are you getting this info from? Its not on ODNR

Hi Buz, Have you seen any more action over around the nettle well lately, thanks Tena

Yes they have been adding stakes looks to me it's laid out ready Togo.

Thanks Buz, I went by today and couldnt see much of anything.. There was a truck upon the gas line but couldnt read what it was.

You would have to get up to the gas line to see it. It's down in a little.

Thanks again Buz, if you see anything else exciting could you please try and post it, Thanks Tena

Sure will!

Hi Buz, Have you seen any activity over there yet. Sure must be slow in tuscarawas county. Thanks Tena

No it all still looks the same .But I think you will see a move soon !

Hi buz ,is there any thing new going on over at the nettle well yet its been over a month since i asked you last , just hoping, Thanks Tena


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