New Pernit for Clay Township by Enervest. No other information is listed on location of well or anything else. Will have to wait and see if this permit gets approved by the ODNR.

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I think this one may be off of Gilmore road .

Buz, any idea how close this will be to you?

If it's where i think it could be about 2 mile.

I seen there is a Troyer landowner up by where CNX has the Mollet well permitted. Is this the location or where will it be off of Gilmore Road?

No I think that well is in bucks it's off of gravelick rd . A friend told me he was told some where off of county road 10 so I said that to say this I just don't no where. Sorry

The permitted CNX Mollet well is in Clay Township on Arnold Rd right outside of Port Washington. The Troyer landowner I was talking about is near the Mollet well location. I dont know what well you are talking about that is in Bucks off of gravellick rd?

TM  and Buz someone told me and i cant remember who at the moment said they thougt one was going to go in on allguyer roag\d twp. 159  or echo road. Ill have to try and find out. Tena

I have heard that as well Tina. The RUMA for the Nettle well said something to that effect in it. They said something about getting a permit for one of those roads in it.

Your right that is where i seen it , they have the ingress or egress wrong on the nettle well because twp 159 is wrong and said that road would come later. For some reason i cant get the well sunmmary to com up for the nettle well any more. Thanks

May be on CR16 (River RD) near the intersection with CR14 (River Hill RD).

ML you may be right, my neighbor was up today and said it looked like they were laying out a pad as you turn off of 14 on to river road up on the right.

Yes your right that road comes out on gravelick I was thinking that was a different township.


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