does anyone no where the 7 permits are located in tuscarawas county?


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I can start you out teaching you how to fish and then you can reply with the answer.   Go to this web site

The web site is not working properly tonight and even when it does it is a bit of a challange to use the Permit and Plug List.  I haven't looked for new permits but I have looked at completions.  The export to EXCEL is odd too but usable.

An example of a completed Well is number 34157254680000  on Landowner Huston Unit; well 1 drilled by ENERVEST OPERATING  in Clay Township of Tuscarawas Co.   Lat 40.302687  Long -81.472544  There is a link to google maps there too but it is failing me tonight so I won't include it.        

That permit was issued 12/03/2010 and completed 3/28/2011 They show all the formations an give the depth (in feet) of each that is drilled thru. It had UTICA SHALE 6514(top) and 6664(bottom) but don't ask me why the went thru 6 more formations down to 7619 feet.  Some have production figures but you have to go back to the 2009 permits to see the 2010 production.  I think someone said it was March before you get 2011 production figures so I don't know how quickly the info is updated. 

Does that help?           

im not real up to date on all the eport and excel stuff yet. im fairly new to all this stuff. i was just curious if anyone knew where the 7 permits were in tuscarawas county.


You can view the location of the 7 Utica wells and documentation (if it exists) in Tusc. via the google map link in the following discussion.  See the second to last discussion 'Utica Wells' map link.

There are 30 permits since 1/1/2011 in Tusc Co.  but you they need a permit to drill vertically, another permit to plug back to the depth that they want to start the horizontal, and another when they drill that horizontal.  Then they can have up to 8 wells on a site (I haven't figured out how to separate all those permits yet).  I still find the older sites more informative since they list the depth of each formation they found and the production in gas and oil and wet gas.  But below is just the location of 2 sites that fit your request. They may not have even started on them yet. The google map links are from this data base.

Type: Plug Back,+-81.6697004295662+%...                

11/22/2011 34157254900100   KATE 4-10-4 8H  CHESAPEAKE EXPLORATION LLC UTICA-TRENTON Type: Plug back to horizontally drill,+-81.6489856973307+%...

thanks jim


Just cause they leased my land from me doesn't mean they will drill right? Or is once they did lease it does that mean theirs a good chance that they would drill?
They drilled down further to take samples all the way through the Trenton and likely the Black River. Most of the Utica gas is thought to originate in the Point Pleasant (which is why permits will indicate Utica/PP as the formation drilled to).

Does anyone know anything about Chesapeake purchasing land for a containment area on Blizzard Ridge in Mill Twsp/ Uhrichsville?  Is it the old factory near the Horse Arena?  I know they approached a few farmers at the end of Wolford Rd as well as on Blizzard ridge that would not sell.  If they do put a containment, does that up the chances for a well in the area?  I know they have a block of at least 650 acres+ on  the Wolford/Moravian Trail/Newport road.  A friend that just signed said they talked to him and said they would put the pad at his place as he has road access and Stillwater Creek access.  Do they tell you that, or are they just blowing smoke?  I just want them to drill.  Are they going to use the Tenn pipelines?  I have 2 cutting my farm and they were out here earlier in October fixing leaks.  The guys working on them said they were running infared on all the lines to check for leaks.  Funny first time I have seen them do anything to the lines in 30 years.   

I did hear from a reliable source that Chesapeake purchased a 300+ acre farm on Blizzard Ridge as a location for a pumping station (multiple lines coming in...).  I was told the owner of the old factory tried to get them to buy it but that Chesapeake wasn't interested.  The ground they did purchase butts up against the ground currently being mined (2nd leg of Blizzard Ridge between Dutch Valley Road and Rush Church Rd).  I checked the Tuscarwas County Auditor's website for recent transfers in this area and don't see a transfer posted yet, but there can be some lag time in recording the transfers on the Auditor's side.  It could be a few months before a property transfer will show up on-line.

As this is just down the road from me does this mean that my area has a better chance of a new well sooner? I am still somewhat confused on the royalty thing.  I have 120 acres so if they go under me are they giving me royalties for all 120 acres?  I tried to use the calculator free gift, but I have no idea how to punch in any numbers except the acres I have and the gas price.  I don't mean to be greedy but considering Uncle Sam got a big chunk I want them to drill and hit.

Good question.  I have no idea.  I believe that the O&G companies have several criteria they look at to determine where they will drill and when.  I think they would drill where leases are about to expire before they would newer leases and I think they would consider areas with an expectation of higher output first.  In theory it could be a few years before you see any royalty, and there is a chance you won't see any royalty at all.  There are no guarantees. I too would like to see some royalty checks but have just decided not to get too excited.  Lease or not, I may never see a penny of royalty.  Don't let the expectation of dollars run your life.  You have better odds than the lottery but there are still a lot of tickets out there that may win instead, or win sooner, than yours.


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