chesapeake has submitted there application with the dep for the kirk hadley 8H  so they will probably start drilling ther first horizotal before to long,  anyone might see a drilling rig or activity they might post it should be located off wick rd on  the sancho creek rd area

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thats some great news,  thanks for the update

Thanks Bob and happy Thanksgiving.

Looks beautiful to me!

I clicked on your link, but then how do you bring up the Hadley plat?

Sept 10 gate was up across road into well site. Anyone know what lies beyond? 

checked the link, the date june 1st when it posted is no longer listed .

Here you go!

good job ..  thanks
Thank you soooo much!!!
How about the 4 Triad Hunter well permits? Are plats available for those wells? I don't live in the area, but have unleased mineral rights in Ellsworth & Union Districts. I was surprised there were no GPS coordinates on plat.    

Well coordinates in decimal degrees

Triad Hunter    Latitude        Longitude
Weese well pad     39.424832        -80.824968
Weese well pad    39.424355        -80.809487
Spencer               39.501358        -80.906992       

Hadley                39.459682        -80.931773

Mary, I just wanted to point out something that you may not be aware of, Marcellus shale in Tyler county is at a depth of about 6000 ft. Wells are drilled vertically to the shale and then horizontally for a distance of 3000 - 10000 ft. to extract the natural gas. The horizontal leg is always drilled in a NNW or SSE direction. The producer has to get a permit for each horizontal well. There are 3 or 4 permits for the Spencer and Weese wells but only 1 for the Hadley well.


Got word last night,  the Chesapeake Hadley well came in strong at an estimated 1500 barrel a day of oil. there having to truck the oil out until they get it shut down . this came from a reliable source in the area . can anyone else verify this news.


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