Hi group...I need some answers if possible.

We noticed that there is gas in our water.  When we take a shower you can smell it, which is pretty stinky.  There is currently no wells in our area (Meade District) that are being drilled but we do have a compression station less than a mile from our house.  Who do we contact to get this resolved?  

Thanks for the help,

Dorene Carse

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first Q is do you have Natural gas service at your home. The reason I ask is,Methane (Natural gas) is odorless in natural form. Service companies add a odorant so people will know if there is a leak in a home.

Water that smells foul is typically due to Bacteria growth in system. Shock your well with Bleach.

Was going to say the same thing. Gas in water doesn't smell. Sulfur in water does smell along with bacteria or algae. If u think u have gas then fill a Mason jar with 3/4 full of water and put a lid on it and let it rest. After an hour come back and with a lighter lit open lid slowly and watch for a flash. You may want to put a glove on. Or hold a lighter up to your water as it comes through the faucet and watch for flashes.

Thanks...answer to the question...no gas service to the house.  BUT we will do the gas test with the jar and then let you know what we find.  Also will shock the well too.  Thanks for your help. ;)

Well...not gas, there was no flash from the jar or the faucet...so we got the bleach and will shock the well.  Thanks for the information.


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