just got a letter from Master Mineral Holdings Inc. Midland Texas they are offering to purchase, not lease your minerals, or oil gas interest and any current leases you may have. just wondered if anyone else had received a similar letter .

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thanks for the info, i will check it out .

What is Master Mineral Holdings offering for the purchase of your interest? How many acres? I have interest in Tyler Co. as well and trying to determine what kind of deals are being made at this time. Any help would be appreciated.

i have interest in a 70 ac tract in meade district, they were offering a $1000.00 per acre, but thats to buy your minerals. why would you sell them when you can lease and get a bonus plus royalties. doesn't make sense to me, i would never consider it , but maybey some would.  that pretty mutch all the info i have.

We received the same offer for a 69.5 acre parcel in Meade district.

I was talking to a Chesapeake Energy rep today asking if they would be interested in purchasing or leasing my mineral interest in Ellsworth District, Tyler Co. He said not at this time, but that they were drilling in the Meade Dristrict and if that well was productive they may be interested. Is the Meade District adjacent to Ellsworth?

I've been surfing alot and talking to a few people, but finding it difficult to come up with reliable, current, and most importantly PRECISE info on what's really happening re sale/lease of mineral rights in Tyler. Doesn't anyone keep and publish records of this stuff?

I heard that PetroEdge may be interested in leases in Ellsworth district. And yes, Meade is just southwest and adjacent to Ellsworth. Information on what is happening in Tyler County is extremely hard to come by. My understanding is that the Chesapeake well site is in Meade district just across the Meade/Ellsworth district line about 1 mile northwest of Locke.

Bob, i checked out the wv dep oil gas permits there is nothing for chesapeake, there is one for Jay bee oil & gas Api 095-02020 juanita & keith weedon (Mcintyre 1HD) Horizontal permit released in march 2011 looks by the DEP Sites  map it is past walnut fork on indian creek on the left  the next year will be interesting with all the activity with the processing plants they must think there is a lot of wet gas. once everything is built and operating  you have 10 companies competing for your acre's,  they will be knocking on your door ...

Thanks Bob, you too Rick, for the input and info. I'll check out PetroEdge and see if there's any interest. Anyone know what they may be offering? If I get any info from them I'll let you know.
I heard $1000/acre. I don't know any other details.
Hello, I have approx. 82 acres in the Wick area of Tyler County.  We would like to lease our minerals.  Do you know how to move through this process?  We DO NOT want to sell our minerals, but would like to lease.  Do you know what people in the area of leasing for per acre?

your in a good area , there is a pipeline close to you. chesapeake has a drilling unit just up the road from you.  i guess chesapeake returned all other leases except that drilling unit from what ive heard ..they should drill here in the near future. if it comes in like the weese hunter well, the other companies will  no doubt lease all the remaining acres in your area.  i would hold out for a while. there getting better deals in the counties above us ohio brooke, marshall.. depends or your situation. when they get all the pipelines and seperator plants installed the bonus and royalties will go up. so keep checking marcellus.com ...good news travels fast

We actually had a lease with Chesapeake but it was returned in the final hour.  We are also in the process of meeting with Triad Hunter in regards to the pipeline.  Is this a good idea?  I greatly appreciate your thoughts.  We are actually located on Klondike Ridge. Thanks so much!


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