Hello folks,

I just got a letter from Caffey Group in Ft. Worth, TX, asking if we are interested in leasing our land in Sandycreek Township. A quick Google search shows news of a lawsuit against them in TX. Anyone know anything about them or anyone else been contacted by them? The letter references the Utica.


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Like I just said, current agreements have no charge on royalties.

"current agreements"...sucked that avenue dry.

You guys are down right hilarious with all your negativism.  Its called capitalism....whatever the market will bear. Co-X started charging 8% of the bonus and 5% of the royalty for late-comers to the original Mt Jackson group last spring....ones that joined long after all the original members started the group.

During the fall secondary sign up with Hilcorp this fall, they dropped the 5% of the royalty and guess what happened????? Some people wanted the company to do audits for them.  So Co-X offered an option that if the landowner would agree to pay 5% of the royalty(5% of 17% or a net .85% for all you who have a mental block or would wish to mislead people), they would do random audits of well production reports and royalty calculations....and lots of people elected to take that option.

So while you nattering nabobs of negativity may deem that as unreasonable, a lot of people felt it was worth the fee. Everyone has their own needs and wants and differing abilities to achieve them. There are many methods to try to maximize the value of one's O & G rights.  There is no one right way. You run your group your way, let others run theirs their way, and the people can decide which option is best for them.

That's what has made this the best country on earth... a free market with several options for anyone to choose.

No, Jim, I don't generally spout off without having facts.  Please tell the folks who paid the Washington PA lawyers and Co-Exprise in the last Mercer County deal they closed on February 1.  You remember the one?  That is where the Washington PA lawyers and Co-Exprise took out full page ads in the newspaper offering landowners $3500 per acre bonus only to take $250 per acre, which was paid directly by Hilcorp.  My only point is that a lawyer cannot represent opposing sides of a transaction.  Also, in the nature of full disclosure, yes, I am Steve Townsend's partner in ShaleAdvice.  Anybody looking at our website would know this.  And, yes, we have leased our clients with companies other than Shell.  But, no, we were never paid directly by Shell or any other company and we maintain an attorney/client relationship with our clients for five years following the signing of the lease.  Can your firm say the same thing? 

Mr Esq

did you mean the last mercer deal they got to double dip ?

hilcorp paid them coex(moPo) then deducted fees from landowner

if so wow.......


dog barking...leaves rustling.....frogs....lightning bugs....tumbleweeds....

I guess the cannibalistic sharks are tired of implicating each other in ethic violations. Generally not good for business. They've returned to their dark corners to lick their wounds and feed on the souls of gullible mineral owners. Collusion will have to wait for another day, when pride has been checked, and the low hanging landowner fruit has been picked.   

yeah, landowners speak against the sharks.  We just want what's fair from companies who will make millions off others mineral rights.

I completely agree with you Myles. We would all like to cushion our pockets and future; however, thiscompany must realize that we own what they need to lease, so an insulting offer and unwillingness to negotiate does not get anyone any further in the game.


No, no need to lick wounds when none were inflicted.  And, there is no feeding on the souls of gullible landowners either.  However, I have noticed that you comment on a variety of topics on this site.  Have you ever considered posting the lease you negotiated on your own for the good of the order? 

A virtual Choke-Slam!!!!

None of the double dipping was mentioned at last weeks meeting.


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