Hello folks,

I just got a letter from Caffey Group in Ft. Worth, TX, asking if we are interested in leasing our land in Sandycreek Township. A quick Google search shows news of a lawsuit against them in TX. Anyone know anything about them or anyone else been contacted by them? The letter references the Utica.


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Alot of them only want give you a few days to sign or the deals off.  your oil and gas going nowhere so if this is the speal run for the door.  Anyone see the price of nat gas 2.40?  We have wet gas and oil which is very good for us.  Let's make the best deal for the landowners.

They are just trying to pull the old car salesman tactic.  They know that they aren't the only people on the block and they want everybody to sign in a hurry before the other guys get there and the landowners get wiser and educated.  Just laugh in there face, tear up the standard lease, hand it back, then shut the door.   Time and getting educated are your best friends.

What is the prediction for other companies coming into Venango County in the Spring or Summer with better terms and lease bonus?


What areas of venango county have wet gas and oil? Has this been determinied through testing, or actual well production?  This is the "million dollar question"  Any info that you can share would be benificial to landowners. Thanks!

Sorry, but I cannot spend all day watching the posts on this site and responding immediately.  There is work, you know. 

Yeah, you better get out there and plow the fields Jimmy, time and tide wait for no man. And by 'fields'; I mean landowners. 

You'll have to ask them.  I have been accused of getting my facts incorrect even though our clients provided us with copies of handouts they received at the meetings. 

let's start with the well in dempsey town this a dry gas well so far.  The other wells this year will be looking for oil or wet gas. people are poking holes this year looking for wet gas in your county and mine on existing leases.

Myles: How can you tell that the Dempseytown well is dry gas?

by talking to the district manger for range  about the horizon across from the cemetary

Strange I saw different numbers, not real high hydrates, but not pipleline qualiaty. Any gas over 1100 BtU'S is hot gas.

the guy said 5 million cubic feet a day and was not wet gas or oil.  the property around niclosville talking about oil. if anyone knows about this well let me know.


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