Does anyone know what it will mean for the landowner if a deal isn't reached within 12 months after signing the agreement with SEOLA?  Will the landowner need to sign another agreement with SEOLA?

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They are offering an extension to your agreement if you wish. I hope I don't need one, I signed up in October.

Is the extension for another 12 months...the agreement my family signed will be expiring really soon.



I think it's until Dec.

Thanks for the info. Steve

I received a letter from the Association asking to extend until December 31. I also understand that they are having several meetings around the county to update members next month.

Alot of members are going to expire in the next month or two and from what I'm hearing, the O&G companies are hoping we don't resign so they can divide and conquere. They know if they drag their feet in the negotiating and several agreements expire, they can go after individuals with there OWN contracts with less landowner protection. If we stay together and resign, we can get a better deal in my opinion!! I believe the old saying..."United we stand....divided we fall" is very true in these situations!!

I agree, Steve. I plan to resign,though would like to hear one of the update meetings first. The association has maintained a good reputation in the counties north of us, so I will remain cautiously optimistic.

Agree with you both Steve & A.S. 

My family also received the letter to extend the agreement and plans on re-signing as well. 

Any thoughts on why the meetings they are holding are being broken up by townships this time around?


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