I do know the Southeastern Ohio Landowners Association (Jennifer Garrission et al) has been signing up property in Washington County.  They were successful in their recent Guernsey County negotiation per their website.  I like the fact they negotiate gross royalties vs. net and seem to have a top notch team well-versed in Oil and Gas.  I don't like the exclusivity duration of 12 months but I do understand it protects the integrety of the group.  Any experience out there with this group or others?  Caywood Road Group?

I am currently also in Fearing/Lawrence TWPs where PDC has been active.  Lease offers between $500 - $2500 on the bonus payment and 15% net on the royalties.  Hoping the market settles a bit higher as it did up north with bonus in the $3500-$5K range and royaties of the gross variety - 17 - 19%.  We'll see.  Wait and they drill and its good - you make out!  Wait and they drill and its not good....cold cup of jack squat. 

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Southern Ohio energy consultants, LLC is in the process of forming and marketing several groups.  The consultants include an attorney, local businessman, petroleum engineer, and a former land man.  Their groups include wolf creek, Watertown, Cutler, and Lowell area.  The fee associated with these groups is 1% of the initial signing bonus,very reasonable compared to what some are charging.  You may be interested in the upcomeing lowell area meeting at the Lowell Legion at 7p.m. January 10th.  They will be having Mike McCormac from the ODNR speaking  at this meeting

To my understanding, they will be going to a convention in Houston to market these groups in February, so hoping to have most interested parties signed on in January so there is time to map the acres they will be marketing.  The sign on commitment is until Aug 31 2012.

Lowell group meeting with ODNR speaker was very informative.   The groups of Southern Ohio Energy Consultants continue to grow.   They did inform us that they have had a lot of "tire kicking"  with the Wolf creek group, and that kicking has involved offers with numbers all starting with a 4.  Anyone interested in a group, or a nice signing bonus and lease for that matter, may want to check them out.  Here is the website,


What is Jennifer Garrison fee ? What percentage of the up front bonus money is she charging landowners?

I am not 100% on this but I believe her fee is 4.5%, It may be only 4%.  I do know for a fact that Southern ohio energy consultants fee is 1% of the initial signing bonus.  I have heard there are groups charging as high as 7 %.

I believe the Garrisson Group is 4.5%.  I do know that the $5K /20% gross lease they signed in Guernsey, the landowners received the entire $5K bonus payment per acre and the company picked up the fee - so lease was "grossed up" so the landowners netted the 5%.  Not a bad deal if others can replicate the practice of having the company pick up the tab.

So this is how it compares ..I have been to dozens of meetings..  Jennifer Garrison she is charging 4.5 % of the upfront bonus from the land owners. If the bonus money is $4,000 an acre for land owners she would take $180.00 per acre.She does not have a landmen ,geologist or Petroleum engineer such as the Southern Ohio Energy consultants LLC .They are an attorney,Landmen,geologist,Petroleum engineer that cover every area.And do this every day in their day jobs .They are also natives here and large landowners ..They are asking 1% of the upfront bonus only which is $40.00 this 1% is divided among this group of professionals.This is $10.00 each.Where as Jennifer Garrison is taking 4.5% of the up front bonus of $180.00... This group will get the best offer and who ever Jennifer Garrrison sells her landgroups to will be bought out by the large companies Southern Ohio Energy Consultants llc sell to .So these other land groups have no connections in real life in the world of Utica or Marcellus shell and are taking way to much of the land owners bonus .. Iam a landowner and have signed my land with SOEC....

You beleive or Know? Who was the company the purchased the leases she was representing.. My life revolves around the gas and oil fields and have family who own large companies.I have not heard this..Names please..There is so much under handed play in the gas & olid industries.That other land groups will start rumors to make themselves look better.

Here you go Peg.  Cut and pasted for you - surprised you weren't aware.  If SOEC has had similar success please share as many of us our evaluating our options.  Especially if, like this one, it is at no cost to the landowner....thanks.

"The Southeastern Ohio Landowners Association is pleased to announce that it has reached an agreement with Carrizo (Utica) LLC, a subsidiary of Houston-based Carrizo Oil & Gas, Inc., to lease all of the Association’s acreage in Guernsey County and in Beaver Township in Noble County.


 The lease agreement includes a $5,000-per-acre bonus payment and a 20 percent gross-royalty rate. The primary term of the lease agreement is for five years, with an option to extend the lease for an additional five years by making a bonus payment of 115 percent of the original amount, or $5,750 per acre. Carizzo is paying the Association’s legal and consulting fees, so the landowner will receive a net amount of $5,000 per acre.  



Under the terms of the lease negotiated by the Association, landowners will retain all shallow oil and gas mineral rights. The lease also contains vertical and horizontal Pugh clauses, meaning that whatever leased acreage is not included in a producing drilling unit will be released back to the landowner. The lease has a number of other landowner protections in it that are important to Association members.



The Association is pleased with the landowner protections it was able to negotiate into the lease, and looks forward to working with Carrizo as the leasing process moves forward. The Association will continue to be in contact with all affected landowners to advise you of the date for lease signups and other information. If you have any questions regarding the lease agreement, please contact us at http://seohiolandowners.org/contact_us.aspx."

Thank you for the information sounds good..


Also Peg,

Copy and pasted from Jennifer Garrison's website:

"I am pleased and excited to announce that I will be helped by Bricker & Eckler LLP and Dr. Robert Chase, Chair of Marietta College’s Petroleum Engineering Department. "

Please be careful when joining a group, do your homework.


great... sign in with a company who is making deals with the gas companies from India?


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