I am interested in knowing what companies and amount per acre including royalties have been offered in Lawrence Township. Seems like this area has been pretty quiet. It's my understanding that this area could potentialy be full of wet gas? I am also interested in your thoughts about if you border with Wayne National property. How that can that change your offer with a company that approaches you with a lease offer? Looking forward to your comments and knowledge.

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I don't think there's been much activity yet. I know that Washington Co. is low as to bonuses at this time. I don't think you'll get a good deal if you try to negotiate alone unless you have a large amount of acreage. I suggest you Google Utica Shale Ohio and also spend time here reading all the forums. There are a few landowner groups in Washington Co. you might look into.

I'd suggest you find a group with good Oil Gas attorneys and call and ask some questions. That's how I've gotten the best info.

Give me a call we are leaseing from several individuals in your area 304 863 0534

What company are you with Hal?

Wishgard, we are leasing

imho dont lease with Wishguard as they are flippers

Thanks for your reply Darren. I most definitely have not heard any chatter from them drilling any kind of well, let alone a test well. I could be wrong since I can't read all of these blogs, if that's what they should be called. I like to call them very informative comments on a very important subject. I have been very careful to avoid such "potential drillers" offering promising leases. Landowners need to be educated and I am very thankful for this website so that can happen! Hal is more than welcome to approach me with a respectable offer if he wishes. I am not going to take my time to call someone. I'm not desperate. Show me a company who has the capital dollars, and respect from the industry, then I may think about leasing with you, after seeing an attorney. I should add that I have not done any research on Wishgard, but have only caught a few comments on them and have to agree, they may be flippers.


The fact is  that when anyone  is sucessful they will have detractors. We are leasing and getting people paid a fair price that the drillers are willing to accept. Our lease speaks for itself and our landowner protections are the best I have seen. It is the lease I personally signed in Wood County, WV and HAVE BEEN PAID as well as several Millions of $$$ paid out in Washington County, OH.

When you come down to it this is all about getting your land leased and DRILLED. I am not here to get into a contest of words with anyone and will not, that is not the spirit of this web site and I will not drop to that level. Such people should stick to Facebook.

We paid out over $250 Million last year and are on pace to surpass that this year.

If you would like a lease just email me at wa1@starband.net and i will send you one or come and see me at our new office in Parkersburg.

Office number 304 489 1111

my cell 304 482 6952



John, you may want to consider joining a landowners' group.  Two in Washington County are the Southeast Ohio Landowners Association (based out of Jennifer Garrison's office in Marietta) and Southern Ohio Energy Consultants based out of Morgan County (though they may not be organizing in Lawrence Township).  Both are respectable groups in my opinion. 

Wishgard is definitely a "flipper"-they will likely pay you after asking you to extend the terms in your original lease-but that payment will be half or less than half of what most other groups in the area end up negotiating.  Their lease is not bad, but not great.  They will profit off of your investment and receive some royalties for life from any well drilled on your property.  Go with a group-or if you have a lot of land wait and negotiate with a drilling company yourself.  Wishgard will resell your lease to a company like Gulfport. 

If you border Wayne Forest, that might put you at a disadvantage and you may be better off with a group-if you are interested in securing a lease in the coming months. 

A.S. I second everything that u said.. I was approached by Wishguard and offered $1100.00 per acre.The Landman was polite and professional, but the money and royalty% is way too low.I also have property in Liberty/Lawrence TWP and expect to get $3400 -5000 per acre.

Thanks to all for your input. I really appreciate this website, and am continuing to educate myself everyday on all the potential/current activity in this area. Keep up the educated comments and replies.

Things sure have gotten quiet in Washington county. Does anyone have ANY information about what is happening in the Waterford-Beverly area?


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