To Date over 5.3 million has been paid out to Washington County Residents from Wishgard.

more to come and everyone who has cleared acreage or acreage that can be cleared is being paid.  There is an extension letter to those who have title issues and that letter states a final payment date...   


Don and Evelyn are still signing more land owners across the street from G & L driling in Beverly.. Pads are being discussed.



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If you add the acreage together on the 106 leases filed by Wishgard at the courthouse, it comes up to 66,294, at $1000 an acre which is what Wishgard was offering.

Things just don't add up here.

In the other counties bordering ours they are getting as high as $5000 to $6000 an acre.

Wouldn't the landowner be getting shorted?

 And who is getting the millions that are unaccounted for here? 


I don't think your numbers sound accurate. If there really are over 66,000 acres with the 100 or so leases you mentioned, that would average over 600 acres per lease.


The numbers come directly from the courthouse page for Washington county. You can check them out. 106 leases and 66,294 acres. Not to say there could be mistakes when entered, but the scanned pages read the same.

Have not heard who they flipped them to.

There is one lease for 58,735 acres for Shaads Dairy. Sounds high to me as well.


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