As many of you may know, this pipeline will be going from the Hanover Township area (e.g., Hillman State Park area near old Route 22) and head westward into Hancock County, WV.  Please share all information you have with regards to the offers landmen/women are making for the right-of-way (ROW) for this pipeline.  The more we share the better so that we can better protect our land and increase the amount(s) being offered.  In addition, it is about being a good neighbor.  Remember what happened when Chesapeake and Range pitted neighbor versus neighbor? Some of us got $50.00/acre while others received $4000.00/acre. Keep everyone informed, and ALWAYS, ALWAYS have a knowledgeable attorney review any contract before you sign it. Thanks for your time.

Tip of the day: When approached by a landman/woman and they make an offer for a TEMPORARY right-of-way keep in mind temporary to the oil and gas industry could be 20+ years...

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I have seen the first offer of only $5/ linear ft from ET for the Rover Pipeline for Hanover Township for the permanent right of way as $5K per acre.  They also have some temporary workway space for about the same of about $4/ft.  

Anyone else seeing offers as of yet?


Besides surveying months ago and the required mailings via FERC it has been quiet. One Hanover resident is being taken to court due to their refusal to allow Rover surveyors access to her land.  The pipeline is currently routed through their land. 

Spoke with another landowner whose land is also within the route of the pipeline.  He met with an Rover individual to discuss areas the landowner wants the pipeline to avoid and the man was not to keen on going around the area.  They have not mentioned any prices and if they have, he would of conveyed them to me.

48.00per foot I live in smith

36" line x $1 per inch of dia = $36/ft RoW + timber + temporary work areas. This is a good starting point and something that all should stick to. Depending on how it affects your particular parcel some investigative/forensic appraisals are a good idea in case there are more things involved that would lead to a higher valuation.  Prepare for emminent domain hearings if it goes that far but hopefully mutually beneficial agreements can be met before then.

 i believe i have a unique situation as rover "only" wants .07 acre of my front yard for a work space, but will absolutely strip all trees to the sw , up to just 10 yards from my house. i am already experiencing winds severe enough to lift the peak vent off my house due to the leveling of the trees for the star lake business park. the exposure will definitely reduce the value of my property. who will buy a place subject to wind, dirt, noise and bright lights for  the next 2 years and forever be exposed to the "view" of business park's lovely architecture? the only offer that can truly compensate us is for rover to buy the house - which is not very likely. furthermore, we are not young enough to absorb and recover from any financial amputation. any suggestions are welcome.

Find the meanest and tuffest attorney you can!! Don't let these slim balls run you over! Good luck to you


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