hello , is there anything going on in wayne co.Wva. leasing or drilling? I live across the river in ky. thanks

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Tim, I live across the river between Fort Gay and Prichard.  I interested in leasing 65acres of minerals as well

Tim & Guy,

Gulfland Appalachian Energy Inc sent me a letter and offered to lease my land in Wayne County 20 miles west of Prichard for $80 per acre.

This is one of the many so called "companies" that are made up of one person buying up leases for resale.

When the drillers get serious and offer $8,000 an acre, I will consider leasing, but only to the driller. All the other so called companies will take the money you should have made. These are Middle Man letterhead companies that are operated out of an office at home to take what should have been the landowners money.

With 16 different Oil & Gas plays in the Rome Trough, I would expect no less than $8,000 an acre. In Ohio we have 4 Oil & Gas plays and some landowners have gotten $6,000 an acre as a bonus to lease, with some landowners (One for sure, search GMS.com for FANG and you will see all of his posts) still holding out for $10,000 an acre.

Be patient and wait for the real money from the drillers.                 Ron

Geology of the Berea

Horizontal Oil Play,

Eastern Kentucky



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