They just raised the tower on this well yesterday.


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Comment by Richard Kubas on February 21, 2012 at 2:27am

And just think all the gas they get will supply electric and get us off of dirty coal that is now being used to charge our Green electric cars. The birds are still south for winter and when they return they will build new nests. The people working here are a tough lot that work outdoors and probably are avid hunters and fisherman who are among the best conservationists. A bird might return and build a nest in the derrick and the derrickman will probably watch the birth of the young and when the rig moves he will move the nest to a safe area. Been there Done that!

Comment by Richard Kubas on February 21, 2012 at 2:13am

Nice picture. Bonnie and others the tower you refer to is called a Derrick.  They raised the Derrick yesterday. The very top is called the crown that is all sheaves up there. The imediate base attached to the derrick is the rig floor. Below the rig floor is the substructure and BOP area. 90 ft. up from the floor there is an enclosed area that is called the monkey board, the derrick man works there when they run pipe in and out of the well. He is resposible for racking the pipe up in the derrick. The little blue cabin on the floor is called the Dog House. The wire line that run to the crown is called Drilling Line and the sheaves that travel up and down on the line is called the traveling block.

Comment by Bonnie M on February 16, 2012 at 4:42am


Comment by Kevin Joseph on February 16, 2012 at 4:36am

Bonnie -

Who is the Drilling / Producing Company ??

Comment by Kevin Joseph on February 16, 2012 at 3:53am

Who is the Drilling / Producing Company ??

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