A new energy Marshall Plan to end the war with Russia

Dr Daniel Fine, MIT and Harvard University Fellow.

Author of Resource War in 3D which President Ronald Reagan read and utilized to prevail in the cold war in his first term in office.

writes “A Marshall Plan approach to a condition of war or the threat of war
is likely with intervention in non-Russia natural gas supply made up
as the United States supplies Europe for most of its requirement.
This would be financial and exploration support or participation.
Current references to the making of international rule-making
by the United States with its Allies is expected in a Diplomacy process. The Permian-Delaware
Basin exploration and production of oil and natural gas
under this war condition period planning assumes private domestic ownership
and control of oil and gas an industry in the United States.

Watch Dr Fine’s most recent lecture now-> https://youtu.be/Mo4qjIJTZEc

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