Akron Satellite Internet Company Finds Their Niche in Shale Industry

An Akron company has found its niche in the oil and gas industry.  Skycasters, a telecommunications company that provides Internet connections in remote areas, has grown its business thanks to increased oil and gas production in Ohio.  They offer portable satellite Internet technology to customers like governments, first responders, and other companies requiring a consistent and reliable Internet connection.

According to the Akron Beacon Journal, Brad Grady, an analyst with a satellite industry market and consulting firm in Massachusetts, estimates that the annual oil and gas market for satellite internet services is about $150 million to $170 million.  Grady expects that number to grow to a total of $2.7 billion by 2022.

With this forecasted increase, it’s easy to see why Skycasters is focusing on the oil and gas industry.  President Mike Kister explained the role of oil and gas in their business:

“It’s a hugely growing part of the business. I’d say [oil and gas] is probably our largest growing sector. It makes up about 40 percent of our business. So it’s very significant for us.” —Mike Kister (Akron satellite Internet provider digs deep into shale energy, 4/1/13)

Skycasters currently has 30 employees, which allows the company to provide personal service to oil and gas companies in Ohio.   The Internet provider has spent about $4 million in the last three years upgrading its facilities as the company expands alongside the growth in Ohio shale development.

So why are oil and gas companies so reliant on a strong Internet connection?  The companies require connections for things like video surveillance and to provide personal service to off-duty employees.

READ THE REST: http://www.eidohio.org/akron-satellite-internet-company-finds-their...

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