Alberta Provides Some Hardball Lessons on Dealing with New York Pipeline Issues

The leadership of Alberta, in confronting British Columbia pipeline politics, illustrates how others might want to handle New York pipeline issues.

Oh, poor baby, little B.C. Worried about your ouchie coochie wine business, are you?

Yeah, well you can whine all you want. Cry us a river, like one that will fill the Fraser Canyon.

Alberta’s NDP Premier Rachel Notley has shown some serious spine in Alberta’s conflict with British Columbia over pipelines. Ironically, the new B.C. government is also NDP.

On Family Day, no less, the British Columbia government issued a formal challenge to Alberta’s ban on B.C. wine. The Canadian Press reported on Feb. 19, “B.C. said Monday it has notified Alberta that it is formally requesting consultations under the Canadian free trade agreement’s dispute settlement process.

“Trade Minister Bruce Ralston said Alberta’s actions threaten the livelihood of the families that have worked to build B.C.’s wine industry.

“‘These actions are inconsistent with Alberta’s obligations under the (trade agreement,) and we will protect our reputation and the interests of British Columbians,’ he said in a statement.”

Wow, that was rich with irony. Perhaps as rich as the oilsands are with bitumen.

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