Cabot’s Sporting Clay Fundraiser for Lackawanna Shoots Past Its Goal

A Cabot Oil & Gas sporting clay fundraiser for Lackawanna College’s School of Petroleum & Natural Gas shot past its funding commitment a full one year early.

Cabot Oil and Gas has always been committed to education. Each year Cabot has a sporting clay tournament as a fundraiser for Lackawanna College’s School of Petroleum & Natural Gas. Cabot has committed to give $500,000 to the school over a period of five years. This year brought in a record breaking $200,000, allowing Cabot to reach their goal in four years; one full year earlier than expected.

Four hundred shooters came out to compete in the tournament this year and 67,000 shot gun shells were fired. Students from the college were on hand, volunteering and intermingling with the professionals in the field.

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