Have heard Chesepeake is leaving and pulling out and selling off their leases.  Anyone know anything about this?

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Comment by hunter4440 on March 1, 2012 at 2:57am

I read this article to be that due to the low price of natural gas that CHK will concentrate on the oil and wet gas plays. I would say that Carroll, southern Stark, Columbian, and a few other counties will benefit the most from this decision. The northern most counties are also on the back burners, for now. The price of gas will go back up as it always does, especially when this part of the country starts using cng for autos and trucks. Selling the gas rich leases is probably a good move on their part and of course the producer that buys them will drill.  

Comment by Jim White on February 28, 2012 at 9:44am

I read a long article about this that I can't seem to find. It was on mineralweb.com. Here is the link to the article by Chesapeake that relates to what you heard.....i believe...


Comment by Damon Milstead on February 23, 2012 at 1:58pm

I have heard this from 2 different Artex employees. And not sure if they were meaning leaving Muskingum County because of all the preexisting leases that anadarco has through Artex or the whole State.  Just thought someone had some more information.

Comment by Martin J Huth on February 23, 2012 at 9:07am

Chesapeake does seem to have vanished from the area...not sure what is happening - where did you hear this?

Comment by Buddy on February 23, 2012 at 5:48am

Leaving where?


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