Cornell University was the site of a debate on hydraulic fracturing recently where two panels of advocates on either side discussed the basics of natural gas development. There were also some interesting sideline activities when one of the panelists called another an “industry” hack after being unable to defend his own report.

We took a trip to Ithaca last week so Tom could participate in a debate on hydraulic fracturing and the role of natural gas development with respect to global warming (euphemistically renamed “climate change” to ensure everthing contributes to the case). Two panels of involved parties went head-to-head debating three questions regarding natural gas development, followed by a question and answer portion. The pro development panel included John Holko, Nancy Schmitt, and Tom. The anti-gas side included Walter Hang, William Podulka, and Robert Howarth

It was an excellent educational opportunity for the 80 or so students and 2o+/- activists present. There were also some other observers, including Lawrence Cathles, the Cornell professor who has sharply criticized Howarth’s work on methane emissions. Cathles, of course, is only one of many to critique the Howarth and Ingraffea paper, but his presence may well have been the reason Howarth offered little in defense of his conclusions in that report, other than to assert, reassert and assert again he had complete confidence in his work, without offering details. Howarth did get defensive after the event, but more on that later.

Overall, the debate, sponsored by the Cornell Forensics society, was a very civilized discussion of the type desperately needed to make sense out of the hyperactive talk surrounding natural gas development and energy issues. Professor Sam Nelson served as moderator and did a superb job ensuring the debate was both fair and interesting. The debate was organized by Ryan Yeh and coordinated by Kirat Singh, students at the Cornell School of Industrial and Labor Relations.

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