Downstater New Yorkers Biting the Hand That Heats?

A petition circulating in Rockland County, New York shows downstate New Yorkers lack an understanding of where their heat comes from and appear to just be biting at the hand that heats. A majority of Rockland County is heated by natural gas. Why would an area that uses natural gas so much want to continue to delay natural gas development from coming into New York’s Southern tier.

I recently heard from a friend who lives in West Nyack, New York that someone was going door-to-door looking for people to sign her petition to ban hydraulic fracturing from crossing the border into the Empire State. All she is really doing is biting the hand that heats.

West Nyack, New York is located in Rockland County and is very close to my hometown; an area that will never see gas development because of its geology. The women also stated Pennsylvania was now a wasteland because of hydraulic fracturing. Anyone who lives in the shale gas region, as I now do, can tell you this is an outright lie. This women going door-to-door appeared to be armed with nothing but misinformation and a clipboard.

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