Fractivist Antics on Mariner East 2 Are A Divine Comedy

The Mariner East 2 pipeline project has produced some utterly mad stuff that can only be described as a modern day Divine Comedy; an inferno of absurdity.

More than 700 years ago Dante Alighieri authored his “Divine Comedy,” a three part narrative poem taking the reader through the various levels of Hell (the “Inferno”), Purgatory and Paradise. It’s the classic of classics and well worth reading for the philosophically inclined. Its insights as to human nature are timeless and they immediately came to mind today when someone sent me a Facebook post about my good friend Joe Massaro.

I helped hire and train Joe for Energy In Depth when we both worked on the EID Marcellus team. He now does a lot of work for The Bravo Group, among whose clients is the Mariner East 2 Pipeline, which brings us to the latest fractivist absurdity and a revealing looks inside the slow-motion collapse of fractivism as a movement; much of which is reminiscent of certain parts of the “Inferno.

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