Fractivists Preach Abstinence as Most Homeowners Wisely Heat with Gas

The hypocrisy of fractivists isn’t new, of course, but preaching abstinence from gas when most homes are heated with it and it lowers emissions isn’t smart.

Watching the video of Tri-County Landowners Coalition folks announce their formation the other day, I was struck by the naïveté of the gang. They were robotic, if anything, mindlessly repeating the shibboleths of fractivists of yesteryear. They had nothing interesting, nothing new and nothing valid to say; no grasp of the facts, nor any passion for that matter. My own research indicates they’re serial protesters, so perhaps they were simply tired. What’s most amazing, though, is their failure to do the most basic research, even with respect to the residents for whom they purport to speak.

One might expect a group focused on the prohibition of natural gas production in an area to have some knowledge of natural gas use. The Tri-County Landowners Coalition (which might better be called the Tri-County Losers Coalition given their obvious intent to discourage economic development) simply doesn’t think that way, though.

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