Gas and Pipeline Obstruction Hastens An Upstate Death Spiral

Andrew Cuomo’s natural gas and pipeline obstruction is hastening the Upstate death spiral as he destroys its potential and deprives the region of any hope.

About three years ago Governor Cuomo told Upstate New York to drop dead.

Upstate wasn’t in good shape anyway, infected with three strains of high taxes (sales, property, and income) and a regulatory clot that kept industry away. However, there was hope, the development of low-cost natural gas that might balance the negatives.

On December 19, 2014, the Governor pulled the plug on that hope. He banned gas drilling in New York. Since then he’s systematically impeded gas pipeline construction, thus choking off the rest of the Northeast from the cheap energy available just south of our border. He does this to service the financiers of the renewable elites and to satisfy his fractivist base. These folks are his bridge to future ambitions.

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