A blatant effort by a gentry class of second home owners to take over rural towns and stop natural gas development must be resisted by local residents.

An article appeared in the River Reporter last week with the title “Targeting second-home owner voters; Acting couple to host voter registration drive.” It referred to an effort by Debra Winger (net worth of $22 million) and her husband Arliss Howard to get New York City residents to register to vote in Sullivan County, New York, and tip local elections in favor of a no-growth (and no natural gas) agenda, thereby overwhelming the interests of locals who actually live there full-time and must earning a living off the land the actors would love to see forever unchanged. It’s a classic move by a gentry class (the 1%, if you will) to get locals out of the way, giving a whole new (and richer – pun intended) meaning to the word gentrification.

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